Author Topic: Why The Emphasis On Local People?  (Read 2821 times)

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Offline Nicholas

Re: Why The Emphasis On Local People?
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2021, 10:08:26 PM »
Swings and roundabouts Mr Apples - I merely go with those official timings and of all spoken around this V break. So if you wish to place it almost centre. I have no problem with that. It is of no consequence for what we are discussing.

Of "this did happen in less than 10mins" - From the time the four people met. LM, AW, SK and JaJ. Near the top of RDP. For that brief discussion to walking down. To LM scaling the wall at the Gino spot, of shining his torch around the woodland. Why? He was the only person to think of this woodland. That was cut off from the actual path they were meant to be searching by this high wall. On it, to the undergrowth of both the field and wall side. Of AW, worried that Jodi may have fallen and hurt herself. And I think it is important to reflect here. To what LM claimed afterwards - of his denial of ever being in this woodland strip and of the existence of the V. That climbing this wall, looking into the actual woodland should enter his head? - However he did. And as with the others. Shining that torch on the path, the undergrowth, the field. Those visible areas. This was the first introduction of the woodland. The second was when the search party came to the V break. When LM climbed over the V break. Witnessed turning immediately to his left by AW and JaJ. AW stayed at the V. SK and JaJ at this point continued to walk down the path. That they had walked around 10 steps when LM shouted he had found something.

From around 11.20pm of meeting to that shout around 11.30pm. To that first call to the emergency services at 11.34pm. Those 4mins approx: Of SK going over followed by AW.

What there was not time for was LM's claims - Of this search trio walking some 40ft passed this V break. For them all to return and so forth - but we know of course he had not. And we know of course there is that desperation - in trying to bring LM back to the V  - at least here there is some consistency in manipulating everything. In these attempts to zone in on the dog, to hell with everything else - let's talk about the dog. No dog at the Gino doing anything. - And of course no dog air sniffing to the left, pointing its nose down the way. That gave LM cause to enter this woodland. To turn left, at complete ease, no unfamiliarity, no trepidation - other than knowing exactly where he was going, in a place he knew very well. And of only going so far - and we do learn as we go along. Of Nicholas and of nothing upon his feet - Of the clarification this brings. That LM had not covered enough distance, in the woodland to - see this clothing, that hair band and of course the type of tree. - and it does tell us, as it told the police, the Crown and the Jury that only the killer would have been able to do and see this.

I did not say that they all had walked with the dog - together in this woodland strip. I mentioned RDP. Of LM, of the times he had walked this path. To Easthouse's over the course of time of seeing Jodi. Of walking it with her. Of walking it to go to his mothers work and back. And of his mother and brother, dog - of locals and locality. Of the Esk Trail, those circular walks - That are inclusive of the woodland beside where they stayed, to the Abbey grounds and up or down RDP which is part of the Esk Trail. Of day to the family business.

And of the inside of the wall - Of evidence led of LM doing so with others. Evidence led against his denial of frequenting this woodland. Of Jodi, of the point where the wall is completely broken away. At the end of the lane, that they used to meet. Just before the start of RDP. Where they went for a smoke. close to where those initials were carved into the tree? - and to the day in question. It is my belief that they entered this woodland at this point, the one they had used. To have that smoke. To follow the trodden path not the inside of the wall? - I do not know. But to the point where the attack happened.

And no - I was not a juror, social worker or likewise. I only started studying around this case in detail two years ago

Why didn’t Luke have blood on the soles of his boots?

The 2 PI’s made the claim on the TV show the crime scene would have been a ‘bloodbath’ - even though they didn’t attend the crime scene at the time - when clearly it wasn’t or else Luke would have had blood on his boots
Who wants to take on this great massive lie?” Writer Martin Preib on the tsunami of innocence fraud sweeping our nation

Offline Nicholas

Re: Why The Emphasis On Local People?
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2021, 10:26:18 PM »

And from this stemmed those first scribblings for the book "No Smoke" - Whilst becoming active around MOJ.

And one of the reasons Sandra Lean chooses to refuse to acknowledge innocence fraud

I’m of the firm view each of the 7 individual s cases she featured in her book ‘No Smoke’ were/are all factually guilty

Susan May’s case was used for ‘The jury room’

Neil Root (
I was late-in-the-day to Susan’s case, not contacting her until 2012. We spoke and emailed for over a year, the idea being to do a long feature article about her case. I cannot claim to have been very important to Susan – other journalists such as the Guardian prisons correspondent Eric Allison and his colleagues did very important work on Susan’s case, uncovering fresh evidence and publishing it to a wide audience.

The same Eric Allison who has promoted Bambers innocence fraud
« Last Edit: June 16, 2021, 11:37:48 PM by Nicholas »
Who wants to take on this great massive lie?” Writer Martin Preib on the tsunami of innocence fraud sweeping our nation

Offline Nicholas

Re: Why The Emphasis On Local People?
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2021, 11:41:20 PM »

And this doctorate which was gained after having access to the case files. When the material for IB was well and truly under way. When all that was every going to be gained had already been had. - Therefore no. No leading criminologist in anything - A student who used material, as one needs to, for study purpose to gain that diploma and onto that PHD.

I helped to provide Sandra Lean with many of the contacts for her thesis

Thank you so much for contacting people re the phd for me - you've taken a big worry off my shoulders!
(Sandra Lean - Aug 2010)

In my view Stirling University and the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research should be investigated for ever having funded and signing off her thesis
« Last Edit: June 16, 2021, 11:46:13 PM by Nicholas »
Who wants to take on this great massive lie?” Writer Martin Preib on the tsunami of innocence fraud sweeping our nation

Offline Nicholas

Re: Why The Emphasis On Local People?
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2021, 11:48:24 PM »

And as Faithlilly pointed out and appears to take umbrage at, of my using Ms Lean over Dr Lean - is for this very reason. For the person involved in this case over time was simply Ms Lean. - No expert criminologist - A student. And since gaining this doctorate and the right to use DR before ones name, are we not still waiting on some form of experience which goes hand in hand with professionalism?

Sandra Lean is no professional!

And my identity on twitter is not a secret

I know the identity of "HiddenInjustice" - she's trolled me for years and has often lifted screenshots from my pages. I wrote her a little poem, but she's never screenshotted that:

I have a little troll
I’ve had her now for years
She skulks around the net
Peddling lies and hate and fear
It’s really just as well
I’m not the jealous kind
She has so many targets
I can hardly call her “mine.”
Turns lies to truth and truth to lies
She really has no shame
She’s the eternal victim, though
She never is to blame
So I’ll just stick to the advice
Given to me so long ago
Hold your head up, tell your truth

she's trolled me for years’

Do get over yourself Sandra. I only unblocked your Facebook account after someone contacted me asking ‘what you were on’ given your posts about COVID.

I wrote her a little poem, but she's never screenshotted that:


Her poem reminds me a little of Michael Naughton’s

Sandra Lean - 9th Feb 2021
I have a little troll
I’ve had her now for years
She skulks around the net
Peddling lies and hate and fear

It’s really just as well
I’m not the jealous kind
She has so many targets
I can hardly call her “mine.”

Turns lies to truth and truth to lies
She really has no shame
She’s the eternal victim, though
She never is to blame

So I’ll just stick to the advice
Given to me so long ago
Hold your head up, tell your truth

Sandra Lean
I'd never have believed that simply telling the truth could be twisted so far out of recognition DW. How they have the time and energy is beyond me!

DW: I h had people that I have been on good terms with suddenly start accusing me of things that I hadn't said or done, some people had been telling stories about me by getting a fact that was true and making up the rest so it sounded believable (sic)

Sandra Lean
‘Oh, yes, that's so impossible to deal with - had it so many times. One tiny grain of truth submerged in a deluge of half truths and outright lies - there's no way to counter that - I don't even bother trying. The ones who pretend to be "friends" are the lowest of all.

These ⬆️ are Sandra Lean’s projections
« Last Edit: June 16, 2021, 11:59:08 PM by Nicholas »
Who wants to take on this great massive lie?” Writer Martin Preib on the tsunami of innocence fraud sweeping our nation

Offline Nicholas

Re: Why The Emphasis On Local People?
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2021, 12:12:11 AM »

And that non correction on everything that has grown into the most horrendous deformities of the actual truth - yet to consistently pick people up on the most trivial of matters.

And being noticed and picked up on by many - although they aren’t giving her the public attention she appears to desire
Who wants to take on this great massive lie?” Writer Martin Preib on the tsunami of innocence fraud sweeping our nation

Offline Nicholas

Re: Why The Emphasis On Local People?
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2021, 12:13:31 AM »
And that non correction on everything that has grown into the most horrendous deformities of the actual truth - yet to consistently pick people up on the most trivial of matters.

We have all witnessed it. - Those threads of discussion simply watched until someone dare say something that can be pounced on - the very essence in nature of what we are witnessing now with Jane Hamilton. And one dares to attack this ladies professionalism? When one is not of any professional standing oneself? - are they?

She really has no shame

Who wants to take on this great massive lie?” Writer Martin Preib on the tsunami of innocence fraud sweeping our nation

Offline mrswah

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Re: Why The Emphasis On Local People?
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2021, 07:25:18 AM »
Please stay on topic. This thread is entitled "Why the Emphasis on Local People."

Thank you.

Offline Mr Apples

Re: Why The Emphasis On Local People?
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2021, 09:15:59 AM »
Btw, why was Mark Kane eliminated? Was it ever made clear? The only details I recall about this guy was the stuff that SF said (ie, re him being high on a concoction of booze that day, having a green parka, resembling Luke, living only ten minutes away from the locus, in college residence, and having scratch marks on his face). Is it true that MK was on the N’battle road that day? What significance was there that he was captured on cctv at a petrol garage or shop that day?

I’d be grateful if someone could clarify all this.