Author Topic: Kevin Craigie - Insider Time ramblings  (Read 7870 times)

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Offline Joanne

Kevin Craigie - Insider Time ramblings
« on: September 05, 2012, 06:15:20 PM »

23/11/2010 Kevin Craigie -

Away back in the early 1990's when such an Organisation was being proposed, I had considerable faith that once they investigated my case, I would justifiably be back in the Court of Appeal and consequently acquitted of a crime which was not only, not within my character to committ, but a crime which the actual Jury twice requested to acquitt me of and convict the sole perpetrator. The Judge denied them that right. On the final day, realising that the Jury did not want to convict an innocent person, he announced that he had no option but to seriously consider acquitting both defendants rather than the real possibility of Kevin Craigie suffering the consequences of a miscarriage of justice.The Jury never heard this, and we were sent down for a social enquiry report. The Jury then sent a message to the Usher, stating that they had reached a verdict. 10/2 guilty.

The sole perpetrator confessed to his Probation Officer years later, and she went straight to the Home Office. They listened then advised her to go away and be quiet ! the Home Office then lied to my Lawyers, that this Probation Officer had left the service. Years later, by accident, I discovered that she was the area Manager of XXX Probation.

The C.C.R.C claimed that this was all hearsay.

The C.C.R.C claimed that the most distinguished Pathologist in the World ( Jack Crane) who supported my account, was not grounds to send the case back to the C.O.A.

The C.C.R.C relied on Police interviews, which were very clearly aimed at preventing the truth from emerging, when they interviewed the sole perpetrator in prison.

The list continues. The C.C.R.C conduct themselves as though they are the Court Of Appeal. They are not independant, as they are financed by The Home Office. In order to become a Barrister it takes ten years, yet these caseworkers claim to be sufficiently qualified to act as Judge, Jury and Executioner. It is also important to remember why the C.C.R.C was established. In the 1980's and early 1990's there were several highly publicised cases like The Guildford Four, Birmingham Six, Stefan Kitsko, Judy Ward, Broadwater Farm,Cardiff Three and many many others. Each acquittal embarrassed The Home Office. The C.C.R.C could now be blamed !

If the C.C.R.C had any morals and principals, people like PC, SM, JT, RB, LC, and myself would no longer have to endure the daily horror of being convicted, of a crime which any of us ever committed. Whats more, all those in the Criminal Justice System,and beyond, who have ever encountered us, KNOW we did not commit.

Moderator's Note;
Sorry, but for legal reason we have had to edit names from this posting.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2012, 10:03:36 PM by John »

Offline Joanne

Re: Kevin Craigie - Insider Time ramblings
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2012, 06:16:13 PM »
The replies at the bottom of the document are worth a read too.

Heaven from Hell
By Kevin Craigie, from insidetime issue April 2011

I was convicted under “Joint Enterprise” in 1991, and received a mandatory life sentence. The entire case against me was littered with blatant lies...

...A “witness” escaped serious charges in return for giving false/rehearsed “evidence” against us, in order to strengthen the Crown Persecutions Service’s fictitious version of events. The State Pathologist, who claimed my shoes could have caused some of the injuries, thus incriminating me in the attack, would later admit, years later in a Daily Mail interview that she would “just go along with what the Police told her”

The Jury evidently knew that the prosecution’s case was fabricated and in parts mere fiction, designed to misinform and secure a conviction and that I was not guilty. They sent note number eleven to the Judge asking to acquit me and convict the sole perpetrator. Their request was without hesitation denied. They were instructed to find both guilty or not guilty. The following day the Jury sent note twelve to the Judge which practically insisted that they wanted to acquit me and convict him. I felt the sense of relief returning, naively believing that the British Judiciary could not possibly convict me, an innocent young man. Judge Capstick became very irritated, adamantly repeating his instruction. This “direction” prevented me from having a fair trial. On the final day of the pantomime, the Jury were sent to their chamber, while Judge Capstick, made an announcement. He addressed the court and referred to the Jury’s strong desire to acquit me. He then declared, that after consulting other senior Judges he had decided to seriously consider acquitting both defendants, rather than the “possibility” of a miscarriage occurring, Kevin Craigie being unjustly convicted.

The Jury, having never heard this vital speech then returned with their verdict of guilty (10/2). Was this happening in Stalin’s Russia? Hitler’s Germany? Neither, it was in England.

"The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government"

(Winston Churchill)

In the summer of 2010 another chapter was about to start! I met Gloria Morrison in London. I listened as she described, with tears in her eyes, how her eldest Son’s friend Ken Alexander, whom she had known since he was a primary school boy, had also been convicted under “Joint Enterprise”. He had received a life sentence. We spent several hours discussing other similar cases. I was dismayed to discover that what had happened to me two decades previously was now happening to over two hundred people, and their Families. I instantly identified with Gloria, recognising the passion to address this gross injustice, her determination and commitment, all vital ingredients to make a significant difference. It became clear, that we could work constructively together to not only assist people in this situation, but to persuade the decision makers to have this law either abolished or alternatively seriously amended. A few streets down from Gloria’s home, we stop to read the plaque outside Emily Pankhurst’s.

As the months progressed JENGbA (Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association) was launched in Liverpool. Jimmy McGovern is the Patron. Almost two hundred red balloons were released, each one representing an innocent person currently in prison. Speeches were delivered to a packed hall. I chose not to write a prepared speech, but to talk from my heart, based on my own raw experiences and knowledge. Everything was filmed by a professional film crew and a Director. Once it was made into a DVD, it could then be circulated. Only last week a cinema in Notting Hill enthusiastically agreed to show it. Lord Ousley, has appeared in our Film supporting our mandate, Channel Four and Radio 2 have interviewed Gloria.

Every week new Families are contacting JENGbA, with their own tragic accounts, and joining us. The Trumpet blows, the signal to commence the march through London, from Convent Garden, past Downing Street to Westminster Palace. We are holding banners highlighting some of our cases like “Jade Braithwaite” and “Philip Brown”. The kid’s and teenagers excitedly chant along with the crowds “Joint Enterprise…Court full of lies”. Not surprisingly hundreds of the public joined us, after we explained what we stood for, and what was happening to innocent people. Bus drivers and Taxi drivers beep their horns in support, tourists photograph us. The Families are exceptional ambassadors for promoting their loved ones plight, and also for the organisation as a whole. We have had regular meetings which are reminiscent of a Who’s Who of the MOJ movement, followed by speeches in Manchester, Birmingham, London and Liverpool. Within the space of six month’s JENGbA has not only survived, it is rapidly growing.

We have met several reputable Lawyers in London, and held meetings with them, which will assist us tremendously. We stipulate that we shall work with them as opposed to them working for us. There is a huge difference. We are also in discussions with Lawyers all over the Country. Not only must we pursue each case, by exhausting the available internal remedies, and heading for Europe, but encourage the submission of tariff representations and commence immediate legal action when one of our people are violated in the prison system.

We have also managed to build good relations with M.P’s and the media. They were literally astounded to hear our first hand comprehensive accounts. Corporate organisations are equally as interested in what we are revealing to them, and I am confident that they shall invest in what we are doing. We not only owe it to ourselves to have this antiquated common Law scrapped or amended, we owe it to future generations. Politicians come and go, exclusively promoting their own vested interests, the same old Party Policy’s, which have proven time and time again to be damaging. JENGbA is here to stay, promoting the interests of the innocent, civil and human rights, and of humanity. The people have granted us their respect, and consequently their vital support.

I shall continue to listen to my conscience and follow my heart. History shall be our Judge.

Kevin Craigie is an ex-prisoner, once convicted under the Joint Enterprise law, and a member of JENGbA (Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association)

Offline Joanne

Re: Kevin Craigie - Insider Time ramblings
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2012, 06:18:21 PM »

It’s Yesterday Once More
By Kevin Craigie , from insidetime issue January 2011

Kevin Craigie recalls his hunger strike for justice

It was the summer of 1993. I had not eaten anything solid for over six months, and had sustained myself entirely on dried milk powder and water. I had planned it well in advance, and after writing to hundreds of people from the Who’s Who, and the media informing them of my situation and my intentions, I revealed to a Principal Officer that I was on a hunger strike because I had been convicted of a crime which I did not commit under Joint Enterprise. As predicted they whisked me off to the prison “Hospital Wing” which was more like a dungeon in those days, where the majority of “patients” had literally gone insane, and would be transferred to the likes of Broadmoor. In order to guarantee as short a stay as possible, I had not disclosed my ultimate protest earlier.

The Prison Doctor was called Lucas. I remembered the previous year, when he had tried to persuade me to go to “Rampton” then I would be released soon afterwards! Fortunately, I declined his invitation or I would no doubt still be there now. He asked me a few questions then stated that I could stay in the prison hospital

A sympathetic prison officer prevented him from snatching my tobacco. The Times Newspaper would expose him as a fraud who, while practicing at Broadmoor, was caught running through the woods naked. He was not even a doctor, he was an illegal immigrant, and I dread to think what damage his assertions had inflicted on people.

Two doctors from Hammersmith Hospital arrived and assessed me. I was severely dehydrated, having not taken fluids for three days and I was dangerously malnourished. They insisted that I should be transferred immediately to Hammersmith. The Ambulance arrived, and off I went.

The “appeal” was heard over two days. One of the three detectives who had blatantly lied and resolved to corruption turned up drunk. I watched him as he attempted to shuffle unnoticed into the same row as my parents, and then fell over. He then clambered to his feet and left the courtroom. They conveniently reserved their judgement for two weeks, then dismissed the appeal I thought that I was defeated, but I was wrong. I would recover and become a stronger more determined and knowledgeable person than I could ever have imagined.

A lot had changed since those days. dad had died in 1994. I had been released after thirteen horrendous years, on a “Licence” in 2003. The following week I was appointed Deputy Manager of the Citizens Advice Bureau. I had maintained my innocence and I knew that the system knew that I was not guilty. I met with people who were enthusiastic to have this law changed. We discussed not only my experiences, but what we could do to have this regularly abused and misunderstood law changed drastically, while genuinely assisting those who have been convicted under Joint Enterprise. People who, like myself, should never have been charged and people who should have been charged with something completely different to murder.

I have now read dozens of people’s case files. People who were not even present have been convicted and given life sentences with minimum tariffs of 25 years. A young mother suffering from trauma, who was asleep, and awoke to find her psychopathic boyfriend, whom she was terrified of, murdering his victim received a similar fate. Her mother, Pat, attends all the meetings, and is adamant that her daughter is not guilty. I have read the case, and I too believe her. Pat’s biggest fears are that her daughter will commit suicide, or that she herself will be dead before her release. A young man who clearly was not involved received life with 27 years minimum. His mother and father, Frank and Audra, whom I have met on several occasions, are fortunately for him as determined to challenge the conviction. The list is endless, and is an indictment not upon them, but the British Judicial System. I have spoken to several lawyers, and have met several of the family members in various cities. I was persuaded to start giving public speeches, starting in Liverpool. My first reaction was fear, but after further debate and contemplation concluded that I had faced and overcome fear all my life. I accepted, as what I had to say was valid. The response was overwhelming; people listened in silence as I recounted what had happened. As I described that night, I could see it all in my mind, having a good memory does have its drawbacks. I thanked them for listening, and answered questions later in the evening. The same would happen in Birmingham and Manchester.

I would return to London to march from Covent Garden to Westminster Palace with all the families and protesters. Impressive banners demanding “Justice” were abundant. The public photographed us all, questioned us and joined us. The last time I was in Trafalgar Square was in 1990, three days before the crime of which I was “convicted” of took place. I was with my brother John, and had made one of the biggest mistakes in my life by not accepting his invitation to return to Scotland with him. If I had done so, as far I was concerned I was abandoning my “friend” who would, without my prior knowledge within 24hours murder his defenceless victim. If I had accepted, so many things would have turned out so very very different. I could see in my mind, the ghosts of my brother and I sitting on the wall

My advice to innocent people is to stay focussed, overcome every obstacle encountered, and you will become a stronger person, stronger than you could ever have imagined. If possible, pursue education, as it not only stimulates your mind it opens up a whole new world. I left prison with more qualifications than I could have imagined. Write to your M.P and provide a summary of what happened and request their direct support. Question your lawyers, and if they are not delivering then write to the Office Supervision Solicitors detailing your complaint. If you are being pressured to admit guilt, or if you are being prevented from progressing through the prison system, then again you must write a detailed complaint, and pursue it to the highest level. Once that has been reached, Judicial Review proceedings can then be considered. Everything must be copied, become an ambassador for not only yourself, but your family and innocent people.

The politicians need to listen, and this law must either be abolished or drastically modified. It is convicting innocent people, destroying families, depriving children of their parent and costing tens of millions to the taxpayers. It is also exposing the corrupt Criminal Justice System, a system which also needs seriously modernised.

Kevin Craigie is an ex-prisoner, once convicted under the joint enterprise law, and a member of JENGBA (Joint Enterprise not guilty by association).

This is a good comment posted underneath (the ohters are worth a read too!)-:
22/5/2011 Dominic De Rothschild
Kevin Craigie is a saviour, thats why my Father Nathaniel De Rothschild invested in Kevins education. You did us proud Kevin

Offline Joanne

Re: Kevin Craigie - Insider Time ramblings
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2012, 06:23:56 PM »
This isn't insider times but the Buton News.

CAB 'made me sound like Frank Spencer'
Adrian Jenkins

EAST Staffordshire Citizens' Advice Bureau is being sued by a former employee who claims a reference it gave him wrecked his job prospects by portraying him as being like television idiot Frank Spencer.

Kevin Craigie is taking the Burton-based help centre to the civil court for libel, breach of contract and loss of earnings in a compensation claim for up to £50,000.

  The 37-year-old Scot claims the Union Street organisation has destroyed his reputation and his career prospects by portraying him as an incompetent comparable to Frank Spencer, Michael Crawford's hapless and unemployable character from the 1970s sitcom Some Mothers Do 'Av 'Em. He also claims the matter made him so ill he needed hospital care.

  But the CAB has hit back by saying it responded with trademark professionalism to his request for the reference which had not had the disastrous consequences he claimed.

  Mr Craigie, originally from Clydebank but now living in Derby, began his four-month stint at the organisation last year after being persuaded to volunteer by a friend and colleague.

  Already an experienced CAB worker, he had risen from the rank of trainee advisor in Derby to deputy manager in Erewash in 18 months, a progression which normally takes five years.

  Mr Craigie gave advice on issues ranging from debt to discrimination at work and initially enjoyed dealing with a caseload of five clients per day, but, keen to find a permanent post, opted to leave when he began to find the atmosphere in the office stressful.

  After interviewing 320 applicants and shortlisting 10, Birmingham CAB offered him a position as debt caseworker, delighting Mr Craigie, who thought his career was 'back on track'.

  But his joy evaporated when his new employer withdrew its offer after receiving an 'unacceptable reference' from East Staffs CAB which questioned the support he needed.

  Mr Craigie was further outraged when he contacted a Solihull recruitment agency, only to learn that the same reference - which he said "conjured up an image of Frank Spencer" - had deterred other employers from pursuing his application.

  "It's beyond belief what they've done, especially considering the CAB stands for an organisation which challenges injustice," he said. "It's appalling and totally illogical."

  The Open University law degree student, who now plans to volunteer with a CAB in London, says he will trigger legal proceedings before July.

  A letter from East Staffs CAB to Mr Craigie says the reference was 'honest and open' and highlighted the 'passionate adviser's' empathy, 'nice manner', willing and understanding.

  "The bureau takes exception to your suggestion we have taken the opportunity to destroy your reputation and future prospects," it added.

  "East Staffs CAB is a professional and quality-driven organisation and responded in such a manner to the request for a reference."

  Dawn Trigg, East Staffs CAB's chief executive, told The Mail: "As a charity, we rely on help our volunteers give us, without which we would not be able to help the hundreds of clients we see.

  "If any member of staff or volunteer asks for a reference, we, of course, give an honest account of them.

  "If someone has a question about why they may not have been offered a post with a prospective employer, they first need to raise it directly with the employer offering the post."

Offline Joanne

Re: Kevin Craigie - Insider Time ramblings
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2012, 06:25:26 PM »

25/5/2012 Kevin Craigie -


I have been directly involved in challenging injustice for decades. It’s not exactly something I wanted to do, but felt morally obliged to do, having being unjustly convicted under Joint Enterprise In 1991.
In the 1990’s I frequently corresponded with people like Iris Bentley, Ludovic Kennedy and Paul Foot. These people excelled as ambassadors of the innocent. They were passionate about achieving justice and knew precisely what they were up against. They relentlessly fought for Dereck Bentley, Colin Wallace and The Bridgewater four as they became known, and many more. They educated and influenced Politicians , media and the public. All of them were eventually acquitted.
Since 2010, I became involved with a few prominent organisations who claimed to be supporting, advising and even representing those who were alleging they were not guilty.
I initially identified with their objectives which seemed similar to mine. However, my perceptions were to be regrettably altered. I attended their meetings and would listen to them invest an entire morning and afternoon discussing not cases as expected , but who was going to be the “Director” the “Treasurer” the “Public Relations Officer” the “ Voice of the people”. These squabbles could have been dealt with within an hour. The conversations were then dominated by who was doing what to who, and what other “competitive” organisations were doing.
When I objected to a policy of blending clearly guilty cases in with clearly not guilty cases I was overruled. Once some of the already suspicious families realised their son or daughter who should never have been charged, never mind convicted, was being lumped in with someone who contributed to the crime, they quite rightly abandoned ship. Once again they were on their own. When media interest came, the entire arguments were lost as the “Voice of the people” focused on gangs ! The vast majority of Joint Enterprise cases alleging injustice does not and never has concerned gangs. It concerns blatant corruption by the Police and the Crown Prosecution Service and then the courts who allow it to be accepted as fact. The Home Affairs select Committee then decided that they would hear what one of these organisations had to reveal. Their nominated spokespersons were given a unique opportunity to expose the corruption involved, backed by concrete evidence. They could not even answer the basic questions correctly which had one member of the Committee smirking, and another rolling his eyes north west. They then admitted that they had not even read one case, yet were sitting there in The House of Commons “representing” the innocent. The Chairman looked at them with sympathy and thanked them for their attendance. They then inform people in prison serving life sentences that the mission was a success ! I spent two day’s on my written submission, which was accepted by that very committee. I could not attend, as I was quite ill at the time.
The squabbles continue to such an extent, that they disintegrate and inevitably part company to form other separate organisations claiming to be dedicated to assisting the innocent. The same procedure regarding who plays at who continue. The latest one to come into existence quickly attempts to discredit the other two, while the other two eagerly try to discredit the new one. While all this St Trinian’s mentality is going on, their clients patiently await to hear about any developments in relation to their case. What they don’t know is that “their case” is in a pile under the heap of shoe boxes with all the rest, in one of the hallways. Their guardians are all down the local pub debating who goes on the news next. They claim to be assisting 300 plus cases, yet only ever mention two. The young Mother who was asleep in her bedroom while her drug crazed boyfriend killed his teenage victim is never mentioned never mind represented.
Iris Bentley, Paul Foot and Ludovic Kennedy would no doubt be dumbfounded to witness what shenanigans these people get up to in the name of miscarriages of justice.
Today I concentrate on pursuing my own case and just a handful of others. I don’t need to be an organisation to function as I always have done and shall continue to do. When I think back on my experiences with these groups it reminds me of the old black and white carry on films. Hattie Jacques , Charles Hawtry and Kenneth Williams would have played some of these carachters brilliantly. I suppose I could always approach Elstree studios and enquire if they would be interested in producing “ Carry on campaigning”. It would be up for a BAFTA.

Offline Joanne

Re: Kevin Craigie - Insider Time ramblings
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2012, 06:31:28 PM »
This is from a JENGbA Newsletter.

From JENGbA campaigner and caseworker Kevin Craigie
During the three week Joint Enterprise “trial” at the Old Bailey in 1991, I never doubted for a minute that I would
be justifiably acquitted. The jury asked to acquit me not once but twice. Judge Brian Capstick was more than annoyed
and instructed them to find us both guilty or not guilty! He sent the jury out of the court and told the Legal
Teams that he was now seriously considering acquitting both defendants rather than the “possibility” of Craigie
being convicted and consequently a miscarriage of justice occurring….the jury never heard this.
We were taken downstairs for a “social enquiry report” and were then called back up as the jury had reached their
verdict. 10/2 guilty!
I froze, trying to digest what I had just heard, while the Judge gave his standard speech. Most of the Jury cried,
as did the sole perpetrator‟s Q.C the formidable Anne Curnow, who turned to me, not him, and whispered “I am
so, so sorry”.
Determined not to be defeated I spent the next 13 years of imprisonment focusing on becoming a representative
for myself, and when experienced, others. Advising and representing prisoners about their cases, tariff representations
and parole was a success, I always vowed to stop the day I lost. That day never came, and many a Father
went home for Christmas after all. It showed me the difference that one person could actually make.
Three things kept me resilient: the vision and determination to secure an acquittal; address injustice, and publish
my own “horror story” which is a reflection upon many systems, including the British Judicial System. “Since You
Went Away” shall be finished this summer.
JENGbA is important to me for a variety of reasons, mainly because its principal objectives are to change a law
which routinely convicts and consequently damages innocent people. This Law has no place in a self proclaimed
civilised society. We not only owe it to ourselves, but future generations, to have this law abolished. It is also a
new organisation which is entirely operated by the families, friends and supporters of innocent people. We are
making a significant difference already. MPs, Lords, the media, the Clergy and most importantly the people are
intently listening to us…..because they know we are revealing the truth.
Always believe in yourself, and overcome every obstacle, then you shall become a stronger person than you
could ever have imagined
Kevin Craigie
January 2011

Offline sika

Re: Kevin Craigie - Insider Time ramblings
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2012, 07:23:31 AM »
Thanks for these Jo.  Honestly, you couldn't make it up!
Fancy labeling him as an offender! Of all the injustices in the world!

Offline sika

Re: Kevin Craigie - Insider Time ramblings
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2012, 07:29:10 AM »
Jo, what's that in your new picture?

Offline puglove

Re: Kevin Craigie - Insider Time ramblings
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2012, 08:07:17 AM »
Jo, what's that in your new picture?

Padgate in the spare bed.

Everyone knows that!!
Jeremy Bamber kicked Mike Tesko in the fanny.

Offline Joanne

Re: Kevin Craigie - Insider Time ramblings
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2012, 08:28:20 AM »
That made me laugh out loud!  @)(++(*