Author Topic: Redwood & Co arrive in Faro along with the tourists. Not a PJ officer in sight?  (Read 4723 times)

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Offline Luz

The British consul would have been expected. DCI Redwood and Co weren't invited.
The LC inspectors didn't pick up the PJ inspectors at the airport in 2008.

Exactly. NSY received the same treatment the PJ did when they arrived in the UK.
They are working why should they have any special treatment?!

Offline sadie

I suggested that 3 inspectors were needed to handcuff 3 burglars.
Have you thought about interpreters ... and possibly other staff to make sure that no boundaries, legal or otherwise, are crossed that might upset the PJ.  Possibly two of them have been officers at the nub end of dealing with PJ personnel in Porto?  I feel sure there would be several other reasons that we cannot envisage for four Officers to go.


  • Guest
Have you thought about interpreters ... and possibly other staff to make sure that no boundaries, legal or otherwise, are crossed that might upset the PJ.  Possibly two of them have been officers at the nub end of dealing with PJ personnel in Porto?  I feel sure there would be several other reasons that we cannot envisage for four Officers to go.

That's a good point sadie,  I hadn't thought about the need for interpreters

Offline sadie

My hubby used to travel all over the world on business on a frequent basis.  Sometimes he was met at the Airport, sometimes not.

I dont think too much should be read into it.

Offline LagosBen

Well some one new enough to inform the Newspaper was it CdeM that was waiting at Faro airport?