Author Topic: Strange Witness Statements  (Read 592448 times)

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Offline pegasus

Re: Strange Witness Statements
« Reply #675 on: October 27, 2014, 02:33:24 AM »
The statement that it was "well within the bounds of responsible parenting" can be traced back to a lawyer type advisor in the first few days.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 02:37:10 AM by pegasus »

Offline pathfinder73

Re: Strange Witness Statements
« Reply #676 on: October 27, 2014, 06:27:58 PM »
Amaral not happy with Stuart Prior.


As the date for the interrogations approached, Stuart became more and more nervous and he was a constant presence. He wanted to be kept up to date on the smallest details. We explain to him what is going to happen, notably the sending of a rogatory letter to the English authorities to request specialist dog team examinations of the homes of the McCanns and their holiday friends, in Great Britain, to check if any object or piece of clothing retained any cadaver odour or blood. We ask Stuart to request that these examinations be carried out by the specialist dog team that we already know, with the same EVRD and CSI dogs, Eddie and Keela and with Stuart's agreement, we send him the letter.

We don't know what clothes the McCann couple and their friends were wearing on the evening of May 3rd. At the start of the investigation, we had requested all photos and videos from that day and from the other days, but all we received were daytime photos; it was as if in the evenings and during the now famous "Tapas," dinners, no photos had been taken despite the fact that some of the diners had cameras with them. The lack of night time photos was something we have never understood. Within the rogatory letter, we ask the English authorities to seize photos and videos taken throughout the holiday at the Ocean Club.

In the McCanns' home, we would like to check a medical monitoring chart recording Madeleine's problems with sleeping. This chart had been mentioned by Kate and according to her mother, it was only used until April 2006, when Madeleine regained a regular sleep pattern and slept right through every night without interruption. We also wish to pick up the diary that Kate started to keep from May 3rd. Finally, we would like to question the group of friends again, to confront them about their contradictions concerning their system for checking the children during the evening dinners at the Ocean Club.

At the same time, we hope to obtain a response to our request to the British authorities, made through the liaison officer in Portugal on the first day of the investigation, for information on the McCann family and their friends. Given the fact that we have, so far, received no response to this enquiry, we will make the request for the desired information through the rogatory letter. We ask Stuart about this matter and he says that, "they are in the process of gathering that information."

However, a preliminary response comes to us about the McCanns' financial situation: astonishingly, there are no records of the McCanns holding any credit or debit cards.

- That's quite simply not possible!

- They don't have credit cards? However, we know that they hold at least two: one which they used to pay for the flights, and a second which was used for the hire of the Renault Scénic.

- The English need to sort themselves out. We need the McCanns' financial statements from the start of their holiday in Portugal.

It's obvious we're going to have a hard time getting the required details: with such information, it would not be difficult to follow the McCanns' trail, to know about their expenses, their movements, and to draw conclusions from what came up. Meanwhile, Stuart makes another request. He says it would be a good idea to send two rogatory letters: one for the friends and another for the McCann couple. We don't understand this one.

(The truth of the lie by Gonçalo Amaral ~ pages 82/83)
« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 12:19:30 AM by John »
Smithman carrying a child in his arms checked his watch after passing the Smith family and the time was 10:03. Both are still unidentified 10 years later.

Offline pathfinder73

Re: Strange Witness Statements
« Reply #677 on: October 28, 2014, 12:13:11 AM »
I think the Portuguese want to solve it.

Kate's diary - the rocks are featured a lot and the cliff where she used to run to. The drunk's apartment - where was that  &%+((£


I got up at 7.00 and went running. I was surrounded by a pack of dogs (more or less 12)—it really wasn't a nice experience. I went to the flat, high part of the cliff as I felt really alone and a little frightened. Please God, don't let Madeleine be buried here. Please God, make sure she's alive. Please God, bring her back quickly to us.


Went to pick up Gerry from the airport. It was so good to see him. Just before we reached the apartment we saw a man lying in the middle of the street, so we stopped the car and got out. It was no surprise to see that he was drunk (we've all been there!) but he recognised Gerry and me immediately. Gerry walked him round to his apartment.


I went for a short walk to the shops nearby. I had heard that there was a paedophile there. Nice, isn't it?

If people informed us about these criminals of course we’d be more cautious and we'd feel safer!

Unfortunately I read two books of messages that had been delivered... There were three horrible ones. One from a former Met Police officer—very insensitive/ cruel and far from constructive! Another said "R.I.P. Maddie"—how appalling!

I was very upset and I went out to the rocks on the beach. I cried a lot and spoke to Madeleine and to God.
I’m so sorry if I/we let you down. I hope you know how fond of you we are and that we would NEVER do anything intentionally that would put you in danger—of any kind. You are so precious to me. You make me so happy and I miss you so much. Please God, please Mary, keep watch over our sweet Madeleine. Keep her safe and sound and bring her back to us soon! X X


I slept well last night after a not very good end of the day, frustration with the FLO (Portuguese police family liaison officer) asking me where would my little M be.

I got up at 06.50. I dealt with some trifles and got myself ready for the statement to the press at 08.00.

I tried to put on a slightly more presentable and "healthy" air. Gerry again gave a great performance.

Following on we answered about four questions. I almost responded to the first one asking how we were, but I didn't. I did answer a question on our possible return home. I replied that obviously I didn't even think about that. Anyway, it seemed to have gone well. After breakfast and our having left S and A, (twins Sean and Amelie, then aged two) we went to church to pray in silence. Very good, calming.

After getting back I decided to go running—for the first time since THE day (already 11 days ago). I knew that it was going to be physically difficult, but I also knew that I wasn't going to give up, because it was for Madeleine and also because the level of pain is far higher now.

No cameras or journalists, which was great. I went running towards the beach and then along it and again climbed that hill so steep —without stopping! (I carried a photo of M in my hand to keep me going.) On the last hill past the tennis courts my legs completely weak, but I managed to keep myself walking. I managed to reach the apartment then time to stop—to think—I felt really quite calm.


Gordon Brown (then Chancellor and PM in waiting) called and spoke with Gerry -very kind and giving encouragement. Feeling a bit emotional afterwards.


Clarence (Clarence Mitchell, Foreign Office family liaison at the time) spoke to us about a possible trip to the Vatican. It seems that it really is going to happen—main story on the news!

Spoke to Dad. I went for a walk to the beach with Sean and Amelie. Frozen. Beach—slippery, wet feet.

We all had dinner when we got back to the apartment.

We have to keep looking. We have to find you beloved xxxxx.

(Kate signed off the day's entry by drawing a heart with "I LOVE MADELEINE" inside.)


Cherie Blair (then the Premier's wife) phoned to find out how we were.

On Sky News tonight they suddenly said the Portuguese police had stated that the crime scene had been contaminated—because of us—and that fundamental evidence had been lost. How dare they insinuate that our daughter's life could be put in danger because of us. Very angry. Very upset.

I want to speak to someone now, but it's too late.

I changed my mind and I sent a text message to Ricardo (Portuguese police family liaison officer). I don't know if was a sensible idea but I feel really annoyed.


At 10.30 the four of us went to the Algarve Shopping Centre.

The plan was to buy sandals and some other things for the children. However the journey was a disaster. We had to stop three times on the way there, since Sean and Amelie were crying alternately.

I began to feel that it had been a wasted day, even though Sean and Amelie had some good goes in Noddy's car and Popeye's boat. The return journey was slightly more bearable.

I had a "moment" while we were having lunch. I saw a woman who looked pregnant and I began to think about when I was pregnant with Sean and Amelie. And then it hit me. (Kate then remembers a touching scene from the past.) Madeleine was coming to visit us later that evening, the look of wonder on her face, and afterwards she got in beside me in bed. She was and is so adorable—a real jewel, a real gift. And I painfully miss her.

At around 18.00 went to church. It was good... there was nobody else there. Later Gerry turned up and joined me and we went down as far as the rocks on the beach and talked a little about Madeleine. But I began to feel slightly pessimistic and fearful. Please, my God, prove to us that we are not wrong. But I was feeling worse. Please, my God, let this have a happy ending.

I have been thinking a lot about you today, Madeleine. I am so worried and frightened for you. I can only hope that God has you in his hands and brings you back to us soon. Please, my God, help us, help Madeleine.

We love her and we need her so much, and she loves us and needs us. Please, please, please make it so that we have some good news soon. Good night darling. I love you. (I can hardly wait to say "See you tomorrow.") XXXXXXXXXXXXX


Today I washed the Cuddle Cat (Madeleine's favourite soft toy and a constant comfort to heartbroken Kate). I was hoping not to have to do it until Madeleine returns, but it was now quite dirty and smelly, unfortunately without the smell of Madeleine on it. XX

Smithman carrying a child in his arms checked his watch after passing the Smith family and the time was 10:03. Both are still unidentified 10 years later.

Offline pathfinder73

Re: Strange Witness Statements
« Reply #678 on: October 28, 2014, 11:19:42 AM »
They said I killed her

Kate McCann Published: 15 May 2011

We had a call from one of the girls at the children’s nursery school. “Guess what,” she said. “Madeleine’s here! She’s been here for a couple of days. She’s fine.” We rushed to the nursery immediately. And, sure enough, there was our Madeleine. She looked beautiful, just as I remembered her. I ran over to her, my face split by the widest smile, the tears running down my cheeks, and just held her and held her and held her.

Although I was dreaming, I could feel her. It was as if parts of my body that had been hibernating for four months suddenly began to stir. I could sense the cold, dark days lifting as I luxuriated in warmth and light. And Madeleine was holding me, her little arms wrapped tightly round me, and it felt so good. I could smell her. I could feel her with every one of my senses as I soaked up this heavenly moment. My Madeleine. I wanted to stay like this for ever.

And then I woke up. Ice began to course through my body, driving out every endorphin and remnant of warmth. I didn’t understand. What was happening? How could this be? I could still feel her! A heavy boot connected with my stomach and the ache in my chest was worse than I’d ever known it. I was struggling for breath, almost as if I were being strangled. Please, God, don’t let her go! Stay with me, Madeleine. Please stay with me. Don’t go — stay with Mummy. Please, sweetheart, hold on. I love you so much.

I started to cry. The crying built into seismic sobs. I thought I was going to die. I’d been with her. And then she was gone. Again.

That night, September 1, 2007, was the first time I had dreamt about Madeleine in the four months since she had vanished from our holiday apartment in the Algarve. It was far more painful than anything that had occurred in real life since the night she was taken.
Yet real life itself had become like some kind of endurance course run by sadists. The newspapers in both Portugal and the UK churned out endless damning pieces that were at best speculative and mostly complete fabrications.

We were living in a luxury penthouse with a swimming pool! We drank 14 bottles of wine on the night that Madeleine was abducted! A syringe containing a tranquilliser had been found in our apartment on the night! It was all so offensive and unjust.

Within days we would even be fearing the prospect of jail. How had our campaign to find Madeleine led to this nightmare?

I think it was on the Tuesday evening, May 8, five days after Madeleine’s abduction, that Gerry had an extraordinary spiritual experience.

While we were praying privately at Nossa Senhora da Luz — we had been given a key to the church so that we could go there whenever we wished — he suddenly became aware of a long tunnel with light at the far end of it.

He felt himself enter the tunnel and, as he went deeper inside, it became wider and brighter. He had never known anything like this before and he immediately interpreted it as a sign urging us to do absolutely everything within our power to find Madeleine ourselves.

His “vision” — I don’t know what else to call it — had a huge impact on Gerry. It laid the foundations of our organised campaign to find our daughter.

One of the offers of help that came in during those first few weeks was from Danie Krugel, a former South African police officer, who claimed to have combined DNA and satellite tracking technology to develop a device that could be used to locate missing persons. At the time we were in too much turmoil to pay attention to anything so esoteric, but a friend of Danie arrived in Praia da Luz in late May and virtually pleaded with me to take up his offer.

Desperation does strange things to people. We’re scientists and we don’t believe in hocus-pocus or crackpot inventions. How on earth can a machine use a single hair to locate somebody anywhere in the world? It makes no sense to us now and it didn’t then. But we wanted so badly to find Madeleine that we didn’t need to know how it worked.

Danie was prepared to bring his machine over from South Africa to find Madeleine for us. In late June we raised this tentatively with the men in charge of the police investigation — Luis Neves, head of the DCCB, the Portuguese equivalent of the Serious Organised Crime Agency, and Guilhermino Encarnacão, the director of the Algarve Policia Judiciaria (PJ). They seemed surprisingly amenable.

The story temporarily took a different turn when a Portuguese newspaper published what was probably the first article openly to cast doubt on our version of events. It raised suspicions about our characters and about our potential involvement in Madeleine’s disappearance.

It was apparent that, with coverage of our campaign having reached saturation point, the press was exploring different angles. No longer was it about finding our lovely missing daughter: it was becoming the Kate and Gerry show.

We signalled to the media that we would be withdrawing from the spotlight and running the campaign more quietly. Yet the papers still seemed to require a daily photograph of us, and the continued presence of the photographers encouraged the journalists to stay to write pieces to accompany the photographs, even though there was nothing much to be written.

This was no doubt the background to a lot of the ludicrous tales that now appeared. The lack of new fuel for the machine also meant that a lot of the knocking pieces in the Portuguese press were promoted to the front pages in the UK.

There were also pleasant surprises, however, such as this letter:

Dear McCanns,
I have a house in P da L, been ashamed of the intrusion to your lives by our media ... and if you would care to come to lunch/dinner at any time before Wednesday next, do ring and let me know.

I cook decent meals.

Sincerely, Clement Freud

I’m embarrassed to admit that Gerry and I thought it was a hoax; more embarrassing still, while we were vaguely aware of Sir Clement, we had to have our memories refreshed before we could place him exactly. He wore so many hats — humorist, MP, chef, gourmet, gambler, press columnist, advertiser of dog food, radio and TV personality.
Sir Clement invited us to lunch the following day. He was 83 by then, but his intellect was still razor-sharp (he was appearing on the demanding Radio 4 panel game Just a Minute right up to his death in 2009). I’m usually very intimidated by people with brains the size of planets, but Clement was incredibly warm, funny and instantly likeable.

His opening words were: “Can I interest you in a strawberry vodka?” It was midday. I hesitated for a split second, rapidly trying to work out if he was joking. His expression, as always, was deadpan.

Not wanting to appear unsociable, I responded: “Er, okay, then. That would be nice.”

The lunch he prepared for us was bloody marvellous: watercress and egg salad followed by a chicken and mushroom risotto. He cheered us up with his lugubrious wit.

There was another invitation a few days later from one of the detectives, Ricardo Paiva, and his wife, to dinner at their apartment. It made us feel that they genuinely cared about us and, more important, about Madeleine.

In mid-July, Danie Krugel and his “matter orientation system” arrived in Praia da Luz. It might come to nothing — we knew that — but anything was better than the sense of stagnation we felt was beginning to seep into the investigation.

Three days later there was a body blow. Danie reported to the police that his machine had recorded a “static signal” from an area around the beach, the implication being that Madeleine was most likely to be dead and buried there.

I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. Each piece of bad news, regardless of how real or plausible it was, invariably plunged me into despair. There would be endless tears, out-of-control hysteria and feverish sessions of prayer.

MONDAY, July 23, was when the warning sirens should have started to sound. On the phone Ricardo Paiva sounded strange, distant. Danie’s report had given them a bit of a jolt, he told me. Just over a week later the police wanted to come over to the villa we were renting to shoot some video footage of our clothes and possessions. They said the forensics people would take these away and return them the following day.

I was devastated at what they took: all of our clothes, my Bible (my friend Bridget’s Bible, to be precise), Madeleine’s Cuddle Cat and my diaries. Why my diaries? Obviously not for any forensic purpose. My journals were full of personal thoughts and messages to Madeleine. I felt violated.
Smithman carrying a child in his arms checked his watch after passing the Smith family and the time was 10:03. Both are still unidentified 10 years later.

Offline pathfinder73

Re: Strange Witness Statements
« Reply #679 on: October 28, 2014, 12:48:30 PM »
"At the start of the investigation, we had requested all photos and videos from that day and from the other days, but all we received were daytime photos; it was as if in the evenings and during the now famous "Tapas," dinners, no photos had been taken despite the fact that some of the diners had cameras with them. The lack of night time photos was something we have never understood.

Within the rogatory letter, we ask the English authorities to seize photos and videos taken throughout the holiday at the Ocean Club." (TOTL)
Smithman carrying a child in his arms checked his watch after passing the Smith family and the time was 10:03. Both are still unidentified 10 years later.

Offline Wonderfulspam

Re: Strange Witness Statements
« Reply #680 on: October 28, 2014, 01:16:55 PM »

'ferocious maternal instinct'

I LOL'd when I read that.

The kind of ferocious maternal instinct involving dumping the kids in the creche all day & then b....ring off out & leaving them to fend for themselves at night.

Tough love.
I stand with Putin. Glory to Mother Putin.

Offline pathfinder73

Re: Strange Witness Statements
« Reply #681 on: October 28, 2014, 01:34:33 PM »

"Gerry was there for thirteen hours. When he finally returned to the apartment he related how Matt had been almost hysterical during his interview. Gerry had heard him shouting and crying. Apparently, it had been put to Matt that he’d handed Madeleine out through the window to a third party." (Madeleine)
Smithman carrying a child in his arms checked his watch after passing the Smith family and the time was 10:03. Both are still unidentified 10 years later.

Offline pathfinder73

Re: Strange Witness Statements
« Reply #682 on: October 28, 2014, 01:48:46 PM »
The choice of certain words in the nursery dream are interesting.

"I think it was on the Tuesday evening, May 8, five days after Madeleine’s abduction, that Gerry had an extraordinary spiritual experience.

While we were praying privately at Nossa Senhora da Luz — we had been given a key to the church so that we could go there whenever we wished — he suddenly became aware of a long tunnel with light at the far end of it.

He felt himself enter the tunnel and, as he went deeper inside, it became wider and brighter. He had never known anything like this before and he immediately interpreted it as a sign urging us to do absolutely everything within our power to find Madeleine ourselves.

His “vision” — I don’t know what else to call it — had a huge impact on Gerry. It laid the foundations of our organised campaign to find our daughter."

"No longer was it about finding our lovely missing daughter: it was becoming the Kate and Gerry show."

"What kind of country was this? While the PJ were going down this track, leading the media and public to believe we were responsible for our daughter’s disappearance, who was looking for Madeleine?"

"Clement had this way of making everything seem a little less terrible. When he heard about the dogs, he remarked laconically: “So what are they going to do? Put them on the stand? One bark for yes, two for no?” He was right, of course; it was ridiculous."

"Did they really believe that a dog could smell the “odour of death” three months later?"
« Last Edit: November 14, 2014, 01:19:11 PM by John »
Smithman carrying a child in his arms checked his watch after passing the Smith family and the time was 10:03. Both are still unidentified 10 years later.

Offline pathfinder73

Re: Strange Witness Statements
« Reply #683 on: November 03, 2014, 11:26:40 AM »

Sunday May 6th

Meeting room. Seventy-two hours have gone by since the disappearance. We are going through a difficult time: in spite of the searches carried out on the ground and the considerable means deployed, we haven't found Madeleine. The day gets off to a difficult start with bad news from Poland. From all accounts, the police badly interpreted our request for collaboration; all they did was approach the couple and verify that Madeleine was not with them, but didn't seize either their photographic equipment or the photos taken during their holiday. Another lead that remains pending. Perhaps it would have led to the discovery of a paedophile ring.

We are seeking to piece together the couple's itinerary, to find out if anyone noticed them in the vicinity of Praia da Luz, to establish any relationship between them and Maddie's disappearance. We circulate a photo - which we obtained thanks to a surveillance camera in a Lisbon shopping mall - amongst holiday-makers, clients and employees of Praia da Luz restaurants. Fruitlessly. Nobody saw them.

On the other hand, employees of the restaurant they usually went to, in the Burgau-Budens area, remember them: the woman was usually in a bad mood, and both wore clothes totally inappropriate to the place and the time of year. The forensic police won't be able to investigate their hire vehicle, which we managed to locate, because it has already been rented out again. All that's left to us is to find the bin in which the cleaning team dumped the rubbish left in the vehicle. Analyses of the rubbish reveals nothing. Fortunately, no one else has yet occupied the apartment the couple stayed in - it's low season. We go ahead with a thorough search, looking for evidence of a child's presence: shoe prints, fingerprints or footprints. Nothing. We then gather various hair samples - doubtless coming from adults - and notice drops of blood on a kitchen unit. Nothing conclusive. It's probably from an everyday domestic accident.

In the course of a meeting, I ask the director what follow-up to bring to this case, now that the person who took the photos knows he is being sought. The director gives a common sense response.

- It's unfortunate, of course. However, they were never seen in Praia da Luz, much less close to the apartment....The father of the little girl in Sagres was wearing spectacles and we aren't 100% sure of the accuracy of his description.

- Yes, but he took photos of the car. Yet again, it could quite well belong to someone else, but...

- If, in the course of the investigation, there are update details on this lead, we will request a rogatory letter and we will go to Poland to interview them and conduct a search of their apartment.

We doubt that a rogatory letter would be of any use to us. The way this lead was handled makes us think not, but we can't hold it against the Polish police, who collaborated as well as they could.

We refocus our efforts on other leads. Information on more individuals behaving suspiciously continues to flood in. (TOTL by Goncalo Amaral)
Smithman carrying a child in his arms checked his watch after passing the Smith family and the time was 10:03. Both are still unidentified 10 years later.

Offline pathfinder73

Re: Strange Witness Statements
« Reply #684 on: November 03, 2014, 01:00:04 PM »
The discovery of a key at Murat's house revives the hope of finally getting a lead. He tells us that it belongs to Michaela, and that it must have been dropped accidentally. Where was that key before it was found at his house? In Michaela's pocket? In her bag? We learn that it opens the door of a garage where Luis Antonio stores his maintenance products. A team is sent immediately to the part of Lagos where this garage is situated. The search proves as disappointing as the others. Nothing is found. Once again, no evidence of Madeleine's presence. (TOTL by Goncalo Amaral)


Manuel informs us that the day after Madeleine's disappearance at about 4 or 5 pm when he was travelling on the ICI road at kilometre 718, he saw two stationary cars, an Audi A3 driven by a man and a green car (very special green colour) driven by a blonde woman. Subsequently we showed him a series of photographs that were in our possession amongst which the one with the closes resemblance was that of a woman who turns out to be Murat's girlfriend, Michaela Walczuch.

The cars were stationary; the green one was inside a farm where two elderly men live and separated by a metal fence and on the pavement of the road was the Audi. When Manuel drove past in his lorry he saw how the woman passed a bundle wrapped in a blanket over the fence, being convinced that this was a child. (Because of the way she was holding it and because it was wrapped in the blanket).

It should be noted that Manuel's manifestations seem reliable to us, in part because of the fear that he showed before and during our meeting as well as due to the successive contacts that we have had with him and the interest that he has always shown.

Manuel preferred to remain anonymous given that he was very frightened and did not want to give us his surnames. He drives a grey Renault Laguna, number plate 53 92 RF. In order for us to contact him he provided the email address of a relative:

He can prove this claim because he is currently responsible for 37 or 38
private pools having only the St. James resort, in Praia da Luz, and a
condominium "Building B1 4-A, in Lagos. (Luis Antonio)

5. With regard to the possible sighting of arguido Gerry McCann next to a pink coloured block of apartments at a site opposite the Luz cemetery, we can inform you that this an establishment called 'St James Portuguesa Lda', lots 1 and 2 being situated in the positions mentioned, from the outside the spaces corresponding to Lot 1 can be seen of a total of apartment designated as follows: 101-104, 111-114, 121-124, 105-109, 115-119, 125-129.


Went to pick up Gerry from the airport. It was so good to see him. Just before we reached the apartment we saw a man lying in the middle of the street, so we stopped the car and got out. It was no surprise to see that he was drunk (we've all been there!) but he recognised Gerry and me immediately. Gerry walked him round to his apartment.
Smithman carrying a child in his arms checked his watch after passing the Smith family and the time was 10:03. Both are still unidentified 10 years later.

Offline pathfinder73

Re: Strange Witness Statements
« Reply #685 on: November 12, 2014, 11:32:03 PM »
After that area was searched and nothing was found so they're not going to search it again. It will be useful to see that letter delivered in Amsterdam.

"This is 2nd day in the triangle - Lagos, Odiaxere, Mexilhoeira Grande. One does not know purpose, having no other sources that possibly determine the reason and destination." (edited from PJ files)

« Last Edit: December 19, 2014, 11:47:00 PM by John »
Smithman carrying a child in his arms checked his watch after passing the Smith family and the time was 10:03. Both are still unidentified 10 years later.

Offline pathfinder73

Re: Strange Witness Statements
« Reply #686 on: November 15, 2014, 06:30:07 PM »
Burglar Snatches Madeleine Sermon Notes Sky News
Martin Brunt, Crime Correspondent
Thursday May 01, 2008
I don't suppose it will distract them from their endeavours this weekend, but two of Kate and Gerry McCanns' closest friends in Praia da Luz have been burgled ahead of the Madeleine anniversary.
Anglican priest Haynes Hubbard and his wife Susan lost a computer that contains personal and confidential email exchanges between the two couples.
The laptop also held notes on which Father Hubbard was basing his sermon about Madeleine at the weekend.
Mrs Hubbard is concerned, too, about private telephone numbers stored on a mobile that was also stolen.
The Hubbards became great friends and comforters of the McCanns in the days after Madeleine's disappearance and have kept in touch since Gerry and Kate returned to the UK.
I interviewed Father Hubbard several times and he was always a rather serious guy.
His wife was quite different.
One afternoon I spotted her emptying an impressive bag of bottles beside the recycling point at the end of the promenade.
"Oh no," she gasped in mock horror. "Vicar's wife in secret booze scandal."
She didn't strike me as the Amy Winehouse type.
But, then, I've never heard her sing.


Could somebody show me on a map where The Hubbards lived in PDL? Thanks.
Smithman carrying a child in his arms checked his watch after passing the Smith family and the time was 10:03. Both are still unidentified 10 years later.

Offline pegasus

Offline pathfinder73

Re: Strange Witness Statements
« Reply #688 on: November 18, 2014, 11:26:01 PM »
Smithman carrying a child in his arms checked his watch after passing the Smith family and the time was 10:03. Both are still unidentified 10 years later.

Offline pathfinder73

Re: Strange Witness Statements
« Reply #689 on: December 12, 2014, 05:04:15 PM »
The Portuguese authorities possess a great deal of material that was not included in the police file released into the public domain. The British police, too, hold information we do not have. The more data we can acquire, the more complete the picture will be and the stronger our chances of finding our daughter. If a review is declined, or indeed if no decision is ever made, we will be left with no alternative but to seek disclosure of all information possessed by the authorities relating to Madeleine’s disappearance. In the absence of any other active investigation, it must surely be in Madeleine’s best interests that we and our team are given access to records that will otherwise just sit there gathering dust. (Madeleine)  8)--))
Smithman carrying a child in his arms checked his watch after passing the Smith family and the time was 10:03. Both are still unidentified 10 years later.