I wonder how Jeremy feels about his personal letters being all over the internet.
I may not remember this 100% accurately, but at one point Jeremy asked Mike specifically not to put his letter on the forum. Mike did anyway, of course - and there was a little bit of dispute about that on the forum. Mike then removed the letter; but not entirely. It was in another thread too, and Mike actually told people about that.
I think the friendship Jeremy has with Mike can be compared with a double edged sword, and the Ali Bongo thing was a power demonstration from Mike: Look, Jeremy, you are behind bars. I am out here and can crush your credibility in a heartbeat.
There is some jealousy - this happened after Jeremy got his new legal team. They all want the glory. Why aren't they just interested in Jeremy getting out - no matter how and who gets the credit?
Sometimes I wonder if Mike really wants Jeremy to walk free. At the moment Mike is undermining everything he himself has theorized for years and years, and what Jeremy has claimed happened since day one, namely that Sheila was behind this. No, no, now itīs June, all of a sudden. Why now at this crucial time for Jeremy???
Gives me shivers actually.
P.S. To be fair, Mike could have felt/feels used by Jeremy. I donīt know enough about their history.