Author Topic: Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?  (Read 60494 times)

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Offline Angelo222

Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?
« on: March 07, 2020, 07:47:17 PM »
According to Boris Johnson the threat from the coronavirus could in the worst scenario see 50 million people infected in the UK and up to 500,000 deaths.

Does anyone have a view on this?  Why has Johnson decided to reveal this information now?
De troothe has the annoying habit of coming to the surface just when you least expect it!!

Je ne regrette rien!!

Offline Holly Goodhead

Re: Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2020, 10:03:37 PM »
I do not believe the global scientific community have a handle on the nature of the virus.

I have just returned today to UK from a hol and have today been in big smoke and the place is dead.  If it continues like this the fall out to the economy will be huge. 
Just my opinion of course but Jeremy Bamber is innocent and a couple from UK, unknown to T9, abducted Madeleine McCann - motive unknown.  Was J J murdered as a result of identifying as a goth?

Offline Robittybob1

Re: Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2020, 05:51:00 PM »
According to Boris Johnson the threat from the coronavirus could in the worst scenario see 50 million people infected in the UK and up to 500,000 deaths.

Does anyone have a view on this?  Why has Johnson decided to reveal this information now?
Most of the infections are relatively mild, and other cases asymptomatic. 
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Offline Angelo222

Re: Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2020, 10:19:35 AM »
Most of the infections are relatively mild, and other cases asymptomatic.

Somehow I don't think the more than 4000 who have already died would agree with you Rob.
De troothe has the annoying habit of coming to the surface just when you least expect it!!

Je ne regrette rien!!

Online Wonderfulspam

Re: Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2020, 11:31:01 AM »

Yes, it's being blown out of proportion.

More people die in traffic accidents than from this virus.

I don't have much sympathy for the Chinese, they started it by eating bats or something. More fool them IMO.

It seems the majority of fatalities are among the elderly & those in poor health.

The world is long overdue a mass extinction event if you ask me. But this isn't it. Summer is coming & I doubt the virus will survive the warmer temperatures.

But just in case,  let's all rush down to Co-Op & empty the shelves of bog roll. That'll show Corona who's boss.
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Online mrswah

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Re: Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2020, 11:39:35 AM »
I can't say whether or not the Coronavirus threat is being "overegged". Nobody can as yet.

However, can anyone answer a question for me: why do so many people die from seasonal flu every year?  Does the vaccine not work, or are there a lot of people who choose not to have it?

Offline Angelo222

Re: Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2020, 12:21:14 PM »
Is anyone experiencing goods shortages in their local shops already?
De troothe has the annoying habit of coming to the surface just when you least expect it!!

Je ne regrette rien!!

Offline Vertigo Swirl

Re: Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2020, 03:50:59 PM »
Is anyone experiencing goods shortages in their local shops already?
yes.  On Sunday Morrisons had very little dry pasta, no loo roll, no paracetamol and absolutely no hand soaps in bottles at all of any description.

Online mrswah

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Re: Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2020, 07:18:08 PM »
(&^&yes.  On Sunday Morrisons had very little dry pasta, no loo roll, no paracetamol and absolutely no hand soaps in bottles at all of any description.

I have found the same today----just managed to get some loo rolls (the most expensive ones!!), no paracetamol or hand sanitiser to be seen, very little hand soap.

Offline Admin

Re: Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2020, 08:36:32 PM »
Imagine if the virus was a real killer the mess the world would be in. Greed will be the downfall of the human race.

Offline Robittybob1

Re: Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2020, 07:49:37 AM »
I can't say whether or not the Coronavirus threat is being "overegged". Nobody can as yet.

However, can anyone answer a question for me: why do so many people die from seasonal flu every year?  Does the vaccine not work, or are there a lot of people who choose not to have it?
Influenza keeps changing genetically so it is not possible to design the vaccine to match the strains going around.
In NZ only around 25% of the population gets vaccinated.
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Online mrswah

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Re: Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2020, 10:03:33 AM »
Influenza keeps changing genetically so it is not possible to design the vaccine to match the strains going around.
In NZ only around 25% of the population gets vaccinated.

Thanks for that!  They try to design the vaccine to the strains most likely to go around here, but no idea how successful that is. I suspect quite a few over 65s don't get vaccinated.

Offline barrier

Re: Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2020, 08:45:39 PM »
Imagine if the virus was a real killer the mess the world would be in. Greed will be the downfall of the human race.

Some one made a lot of money with the stock market crashing after its high's.
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Offline Robittybob1

Re: Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2020, 12:27:19 AM »
Thanks for that!  They try to design the vaccine to the strains most likely to go around here, but no idea how successful that is. I suspect quite a few over 65s don't get vaccinated.
I haven't bothered getting the flu vaccination for 5 years now, but this year I will look into it as I don't want Covid 19 and flu season to overlap.
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Offline Brietta

Re: Is the Coronavirus threat being overegged?
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2020, 10:39:03 AM »
I can't say whether or not the Coronavirus threat is being "overegged". Nobody can as yet.

However, can anyone answer a question for me: why do so many people die from seasonal flu every year?  Does the vaccine not work, or are there a lot of people who choose not to have it?
I choose not to have it because I think I'm only susceptible to one particular strain; my conclusion for that probably isn't based on sound science but I've suffered from flu only twice in my life.

Once when a child in the fifties (a seventeen year old I knew died from it) and once in the seventies.

Anecdotally work colleagues who had also taken the fifties flue (Red? or Asian? ... don't know which) had like me worked unaffected through outbreaks when people around had been dropping like flies except in the late fifties and in the more recent one.
"All I'm going to say is that we've conducted a very serious investigation and there's no indication that Madeleine McCann's parents are connected to her disappearance. On the other hand, we have a lot of evidence pointing out that Christian killed her," Wolter told the "Friday at 9"....