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Justice for All - The Manchester McKenzie Organisation - Document

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--- Quote from: Bounty Hunter on April 09, 2012, 04:33:28 PM ---
--- Quote from: Weety on April 09, 2012, 12:31:24 PM ---A few striking claims in the first "Justice for All letter":

Julie Mugford was "brutally raped" in France and blamed JB for not being there - that's the first I've heard of that.

Again, the suggestion that Ralph fathered the twins. I assume this is where it originates.

Sheila looked peaceful and with no signs of a struggle, therefore it was suicide. Erm... who struggled with Ralph then?

The suggestion that Robert Boutflour contaminated the silencer with his own blood - how could he have possibly known that he had the same blood groups (all 5 tests available) as Sheila?

The relatives openly admitted that after the murders their only consideration was how to incriminate Jeremy Bamber? Really?

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It is easy to blame those who died in the massacre because they cannot fight back.  Does that Organisation still exist or has it gone the way of many before it?

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Now defunct I think, but there is a similar organisation of the same name.


--- Quote from: Admin on April 09, 2012, 03:29:37 AM ---Justice for All - The Manchester McKenzie Organisation - Document

Some Hindsight Observations and Questions.

Neither at the time of Mr Bamber's trial, nor since, has it ever been established how Mr Bamber was supposed to have committed the murders. Nor has it ever been ascertained in which order the victims died. How could Mr Bamber manage to have overcome three adults in two different parts of the house, managing to persuade one of them to allow him to make their death appear as suicide?

According to...

--- End quote ---

Did Jeremy Bamber tell the Machester McKenzie Organisation all what is in their report.

I think he did. I think Bamber gets off by sending the rumour mill in overdrive


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