“Photofit dispute
Mr George confirmed that he went to the offices of the Hammersmith and Fulham Action for Disability (Hafad) on the day Miss Dando was shot and returned there two days later.
He told police he had wanted to account for his movements as people had said he was similar in appearance to a photofit of the killer.
The prosecution says the photofit was only released four days after the murder.
Barry George may well have told his mother of his concerns, who in turn told his sister Michelle Diskin Bates. I’ve never believed her story about when she claims she first heard of her brothers involvement in the murder.
Alternatively Barry George’s mother may have raised her concerns with her son. Following my experiences, nothing should be ruled out.
“Spinning a yarn, or storytelling, is what I do. But why do I think stories are so important? Well, for me, it's all about imagination; a story can carry us anywhere and everywhere… into a world where anything is possible.
Stories help us to put our own stories - our lives and our feelings - into context and explore how we feel about them, even in the most fantastical settings.