So I ended up here after watching the White House Farm murders documentary to get some more information and other views and I haven't been disappointed, there is a huge amount of questions / answers and opinions and clearly I'm a bit late to the game but all really interesting. I've just noticed that the last few new members to introduce themselves here also mention the Bamber case - I'm not alone!

I'm a big fan of real crime stories and have been since a teenager over 30 years ago and I'm a regular lurker on forums like Websleuths and enjoy watching documentaries and reading books about them.
My main interest has been serial killers over the years and in particular the Moors Murders as they are local to me and I often visit Saddleworth Moor so I have a keen interest in the place it happened. I've read dozens of books about the two perps including the weird one penned by Brady himself.

Over the years I have had some particular interests in high profile miscarriages of justice, it started with the tragic story of Stefan Kiszko that I was interested in due to the resemblance to the Moors Murders - he was imprisoned about the time I was born and released when I was 18 yrs old and it struck a chord with me about spending all that time locked up instead of being free. Sadly he died a year after his release.

As I'm sure most of you on this forum know, the reasons for that miscarriage of justice were shocking and the senior police officer behind it was the same one who failed to catch the Yorkshire Ripper and wrongly convicted Judith Ward of the M62 bombing - again all local to me so big headlines in the days before the internet and I now live about 300 metres from where Ripper victim Jean Jordan was found.
I took a particular interest in the acquittal of Siôn Jenkins and read the book he penned. Unlike the cases above, I think he probably was guilty of the murder of Billie Jo Jenkins but either way it is tragic that her killer has yet to be convicted.
Lots of others have caught my eye over the years including the Birmingham 6, Guidlford 4, Bridgewater 4, Cardiff 3 etc.
Anyway, looking forward to spending many a late night in lockdown reading these forums and maybe asking the odd question!