Author Topic: "Laughable eyewitness testimony"  (Read 34629 times)

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Offline Parky41

Re: "Laughable eyewitness testimony"
« Reply #345 on: October 11, 2024, 10:16:01 AM »
We need to bear in mind that the police took the crime scene photographs AFTER the police moved Jodi. Any scrunchie could have easily been hidden from this point compared to the finding of the body, however it’s well stated that this was a reporter who wrote a comment and he had no idea why he jotted that down in his diary. It’s got no substance at all

I seen a comment that he had sent him letters.  I can’t find it now which is annoying. Apparently he admitted in it he was never his lawyer. Scots totally destroying any credibility he and Sandra had (if he ever did). They’ve made a mockery of a very serious situation in a man’s life. They are sick to do what have done, all for publicity and attention. Who inserts  themselfs into a nitemare and makes it an even bigger nitemare for all involved?

Why therefore are you repeating their BS?