Author Topic: cc12 - new member  (Read 1284 times)

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Offline cc12

cc12 - new member
« on: November 13, 2021, 09:31:03 PM »
Hi I am cc12 and have been following this in recent years, I have a family member who has read the Sandra Lean book and also visited the site (I have been there also). There is no way Luke Mitchell could have done what he was supposed to if you examine the story and the whole escape.

I have posted elsewhere that I'm not saying that I am right, but my feeling is that there is an additional element to all this which points to freemasonry. The freemasons are extraordinarily powerful in Scotland and are ultra-top secret. The symbology and the site location and the date are there to suggest they may have gotten away with murder.

Thank you for any comments and I appreciate being welcomed to the forum.

Many thanks.


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Re: cc12 - new member
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2021, 10:37:22 AM »
Welcome to the forum cc12!

Personally, I doubt that the murder of Jodi Jones had anything to do with freemasons, but you are entitled to your opinion.  However, having looked into the case in some detail, I am very undecided as to whether or not Luke Mitchell committed this crime.

I look forward to your posts.