I think they look pretty big
Not as big as they appear to be on a computer screen (very deceptive), and surprisingly tiny and delicate, for want of a better word, when rolled between thumb and fingertips. And also if you're unfamiliar, as Sheila C. was, with loading ten into a magazine, very fiddly to get them in the right orientation and inserted quickly when under pressure to kill your family, all whilst in a psychotic rage. Jeremy Bamber would have known how to do this without fail and with eyes shut, no doubt about it. I see the blind and deluded Samson is still stamping his feet on 'International Skeptics' desperately wanting Sheila to be the assailant... very sad.
I posted this before, but even an experienced shooter who hadn't used his Anschutz 525 for a while took a couple of goes fitting the magazine and chambering the first round correctly. Still not figured out why his mag only takes eight rounds at a time though when afaiaa they were made to hold ten for that model, so might question him again sometime.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XrYzDBwduMAnother concern in the first manufacturing video at CCI, was how much toxic lead (a roomful of large ingots -
https://youtu.be/_rCZHG_eEak?t=421) is consumed every day. Imagine the tons used every year since the factory opened in 1951, and not just there but by all bullet manufacturers in the States and others throughout the world, such as Eley, and lost unrecovered to the environment by plinksters, amateur target-shooters and pro varmint-hunters alike.