PH thanks the following:
"Thanks must also go to Colin, Dawn, Brett, Matthew, Archie, Liz, Fred, Beverly and Chris. Also to Ronald DeFeo, Stephen Bentley, Graham McDonald, Tony Bennett, Peter Healy, and not forgetting the talented researcher Caroline Rowland for providing additional detail on the case. A mention must go to David Chakrabarti for his knowledgable opinion and messages of support, and to Ben Borland, Editor of the Scottish Express,..."
Wonder why some are identified by first name only and others first and surname &%+((£ To protect identity or can allude to for example "Colin" Caffell but a get out clause if Colin Caffell complains he didn't contribute &%+((£
By PH's own admission he could not confirm for sure the person who called him claiming to be Brett was in fact the man himself!
As I said all police officers quoted: ACC Simpson, DI Miller and DS Jones are deceased. The other officer quoted wished to remain anonymous &%+((£
The quality and professionalism between CAL's excerpts and PH's finished item couldn't be starker.
I think PH's book is highly offensive to the victims and surviving family members. It really is in poor taste. I hope Colin Caffell does not read the "anonymous letter"
It has no credibility or authenticity whatsoever.
I am pleased some of us ie Andrea and myself saw through PH from day one.