I'm Catholic not an atheist. Arguing about religion and this case are quite different things. While it is true that you have faith in Jeremy akin to the way someone believes in God that doesn't mean one should treat such beliefs in the same manner.
I do stick to the case. You said you believe the COA is going to quash his conviction. I challenged you to post on what basis he could even get the CCRC to refer the matter to the COA let alone the COA to actually rule in his favor on such issue.
I didn't see any answer though.
He expended all his best arguments already and they were totally insufficient. One has to be living in lala land to believe a new one of epic proportions is just going to magically appear.
I very rarely argue with anyone by referring to their comments/views/beliefs etc BS, la la land, irrational, struggle comprehending etc, etc. Discussing/debating JB's case is no different to discussing/debating any other topic: religion, politics, sports teams, child rearing, music, fashion etc, etc. I've no need to force my beliefs etc on others. Others are entitled to think and believe what they want. I couldn't give a flying fig.
I dont know JB personally to know whether or not I should have faith in him. I have a lack of faith in the process that found him guilty in a court of law based on the info available to me and my own research.
You dont believe JB's conviction will ever be quashed fine. You think he's guilty as charged. He's currently a Cat A prisoner on a whole life tarrif. Why bother yourself with what I believe? I said I believe his conviction will be quashed and I'm not prepared to comment further. If you think I'm BSing, living in la la land, irrational, not telling the truth etc, etc that's fine by me but please just keep your personal comments to yourself.