Still avoiding explaining that exciting exit from a moving car Dewanifacts?
I could as well explain Dewani's exit from the vehicle as I could explain what you had for breakfast this morning. I was not there in that car. I cannot possibly know how he came to exit the vehicle, whether it was moving, whether he went out the door, the window, whether he was pushed, pulled or rolled out.
Here's what I can tell you. I have worked with victims of crime. When people are involved in traumatic incidents, they often cannot recall precise details; their recollection of timings and exact sequences are often wrong and they often describe things that we know did not actually occur.
What does this mean with regard to this case? Dewani's recollection of how he exited the vehicle is quite likely inaccurate. Does this have any bearing on whether he arranged the murder of his wife? None whatsoever.
I'll help you out, Passer by. This issue and many other sensational and irrelevant issues (such as the Dr Pox murder link) have been thrashed to death in internet forums discussing this case. If you take a look at the front page of
our site, you will see that every one of these claims have been addressed.
Whilst we could sit and debate these points again, we don't intend to as its old ground. Our position was vindicated when Dewani was exonerated and cleared of any involvement. We don't need to prove anything to anyone.
Our ultimate goal is to achieve true justice for Anni. Our aim in sharing our page with this forum was to get feedback on whether people think that the content on our site needs to be revised in any way - additions/deletions/amendments/recatagorisation of claims - and if those suggestions can be substantiated with evidence, then we will make the changes. We want our site to be as accurate as possible.
We welcome all feedback, however we have to stress that feedback in the form of baseless speculation and subjective hypothesising about Shrien Dewani's behaviour, is unlikely to achieve much.
Despite not wishing to get drawn in to neverending debate on rehashed old topics, we are willing to answer any questions put to us, on any aspect of the case.