I have never said it was strange for a traveller to change money. On the contrary, I have repeatedly pointed out that the jewelry shop stands out as not normal precisely because Dewani got money out of a bank the normal way several times previously.
I have repeatedly posted from my personal experience of living across multiple countries and changing currency on a regular basis right where Dewani was actually staying - I provided members of this site with a map of where all the banks were in relation to Dewani's hotel and showed on it how he went out of his way to 'change money' somewhere else, and I showed a Streetview photograph of the large bank literally a couple of metres from the 'jewellers', and I have posted news reports stating Dewani's own lawyer's cross examination of the owner. I have run around on all the manipulative little missions you've sent me off on, whilst you have done nothing but try to smear me.
Let's throw it out open wide: how many other members of this website have gone on holiday and changed money at a seedy backstreet jewellers? Can anyone help me out here? Is this, as Dewanifacts says, 'normal'? Or do you all exchange your money at a Bureau de Change or bank - especially if they're more readily available?
Lets be clear: the transaction was illegal. And let's be clear: he did not tell the police investigating his wife's murder about it, so it was secret.
All the time Dewanifacts, you twist the truth.