Tonight I saw a post suggesting that Sheila had 10 to 15 seconds before she passed out following the first non fatal shot to her throat. A period of time in which she would have been able to discharge the second fatal shot.
The person who posted this ludicrous suggestion obviously hasn't a bloody clue as to the trauma suffered by someone who is shot in the throat at point blank range. The shock is instantaneous rendering the person temporarily incapacitated. This is followed by seering pain so intense that it again will render the person temporarily unable to function. A gunshot to the throat is so serious that it will render the victim unable to make any decisions let alone be able to target a second shot also to their throat. The whole idea is utterly preposperous and reveals a very naive thought process by those who would interject such rubbish on behalf of Jeremy Bamber.
Not only do they have no yardstick for it, they lack the ability to IMAGINE how they or anyone else would feel in a given circumstance. This naturally limits what they have to say about it. In this particular case, and from various posters, we've seen Sheila being canny enough to play dead after the first shot, downstairs, and then scramble her way upstairs -with shattered vertebrae!!!- to hide before the second shot finished her off, now we see her coolly deliberating, for 10 to 15 seconds, about her next move!!! NONE seems to have been capable of giving any thought to how it might have FELT to be Sheila -if they had, they'd probably have seen their scenario was impossible- her fear at finding herself in such a threatening situation whilst being in a place which has afforded her safety, would have rendered confused thought processes. Shock, searing pain and blood loss will do as you've described.
The innocent side of blue appears to be gaining strength -which is as it should be on a forum which promotes Jeremy's innocence- and they have a good poster to champion them. However, it does appear -to me- that desperation has crept in. Last night was spent discussing the state of the master bedroom and whether the pictures were of the same room AND if they weren't, had there been an attempt to deceive/trick the eye? Even those items on a chair were questioned because one shot showed them heaped and another showed them tidied. As the list of conspirators becomes added to -and it has to in order to make conspiracy work- conspiracy becomes impossible so more conspirators become added.................