It works both ways though as it is often claimed JB is a psychopath and yet we have no name to put to any professional making such a diagnosis.
A recent post on Blue:
Thanks Jackie, I could probably write you a similar list about Bamber, but, you wouldn't want to believe that list. I will start you off, do you believe what the defence psychiatrist said, "if ever there was a psychopath it's Jeremy Bamber". Do you believe what the psychopath said who worked at full Sutton, he's 100% guilty as hell.
He has professed his innocence ever since. However, the psychiatrist engaged by Bamber’s defence team said that his very real belief that he had not committed the murders was a prime reason for diagnosing him as a psychopath.
Concluding that he did kill his family and had suppressed the knowledge until it no longer existed, he added: ‘If ever there was a psychopath, it’s Jeremy Bamber.’1. Who was the defence psychiatrist who made this assessment? Without the name of an appropriately qualified person it is meaningless.
2. Who was the "psychopath" who made the assessment at Full Sutton? (I assume the poster meant psychiatrist). Again without the name of an appropriately qualified person it is meaningless.
3. I struggle with a qualified person using language like "he's guilty as hell". Sounds more like the sort of language a layperson would use. In fact DB used these very words: A psychiatrist diagnosing a defendent/prisoner as a psychopath on the basis of protesting their innocence reminds me of the case of Stefan Kiszko:
"One forensic psychiatrist made a note of Kiszko suffering from "delusions of innocence"." Although again no name of the forensic psychiatrist in the following link. I will endeavour to find it elsewhere.