Author Topic: Ben Needhams mother speaks out about not getting the same support as the McCanns  (Read 13362 times)

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Offline valeria

of course miracles do happen. we all wish come true. its terribly for the family not to have the answer for so long now.

Offline John

Bens family and mother in particular are to be applauded for their efforts on his behalf.  His mum has worked tirelessly and on a shoestring budget in an effort to discover what happened to him.  Where is the Met team and the big budget in Ben's case?
A malicious prosecution for a crime which never existed. An exposé of egregious malfeasance by public officials.
Indeed, the truth never changes with the passage of time.


  • Guest
kerrys e-petition to the govt has a mere 14k signatures where 100k are needed for the govt to even consider it and discuss the issue in parliament.

It closes in July

Its  worth sending the link to all your facebook and twitter contacts and ask it be forwarded again to all their contacts, and anyone else you can on twitter so they can retweet it, celebrities who have thousands of followrs, anyone famous really

Dont forget the contents of your address book in personal email

If the govt can squander dozens and hundreds of millions in some cases, it can spare the odd ten million for this...the money is there, it needs the will and I dont see why it should not be there

And where are the media in all this? All they need to do is put a link to the petition on one of their pages.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 10:19:18 AM by Redblossom »

Offline colombosstogey

kerrys e-petition to the govt has a mere 14k signatures where 100k are needed for the govt to even consider it and discuss the issue in parliament.

It closes in July

Its  worth sending the link to all your facebook and twitter contacts and ask it be forwarded again to all their contacts, and anyone else you can on twitter so they can retweet it, celebrities who have thousands of followrs, anyone famous really

Dont forget the contents of your address book in personal email

If the govt can squander dozens and hundreds of millions in some cases, it can spare the odd ten million for this...the money is there, it needs the will and I dont see why it should not be there

And where are the media in all this? All they need to do is put a link to the petition on one of their pages.

Have done it, and sent it on.

Offline steve_trousers

If the govt can squander dozens and hundreds of millions in some cases, it can spare the odd ten million for this...the money is there, it needs the will and I dont see why it should not be there

I remember this unfolding back in 1991, and I thought it did recieve a similar amount of attention and speculation as Madeleine McCann but in the pre-internet days it wasnt kept in the public conscience for as long.

The thing is, if they spent millions of pounds and found Ben alive, Isnt it just opening a can of worms for Ben and his adopted family. The bloke is 26 now and most likely has only ever known one family. 
Can they justify spending millions on quarter century old missing persons case to give the family closure? Im not so sure now...

I notice people percieve Kate McCann as cold and detached recently when talking about Madeleine, but to my mind she is being pragmatic about her chances of a happy ending and living in the real world.