Author Topic: How do people feel about the lockdown?  (Read 9964 times)

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Online mrswah

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How do people feel about the lockdown?
« on: March 28, 2020, 05:51:59 PM »
It had to happen, IMO. Do you agree?

Should it have happened earlier?

Do you think the lockdown should be stricter? If so, in what way(s) ?

Do you think any of the rules are OTT?  Which ones, and why?

Is there anything that ought to be done, in your opinion, that is not being done?

Do you think people should be encouraged to "snitch" on their neighbours for breaking the rules?

Do you think the police should be spending their time enforcing them, and do you think this will work?

So, what do people think?  My immediate feelings are as follows: firstly, if Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty and Prince Charles come out of this relatively unscathed, I think many people will gain a false sense of security, and will be less inclined to comply with the lockdown rules.(Of course, I do hope that they all DO come out of it relatively unscathed).

 I am, and always have been, a law abider.   However, I'm a bit miffed that I now cannot walk my dog more than once a day (on quiet roads), while, at the same time, off licences are allowed to open, and the builders at the end of my road are certainly not obeying the social distancing rules.   Who is going to put more strain on our NHS, me, because I'm walking my dog (and not meeting anyone close up), or people who buy lots of booze, get p-------d, and might  cause accidents, or those who work close together and risk spreading the virus?

I am also aware that , for many people, home is not a good place to be, or a safe one. I think there will be an increase in the number of cases of mental health problems, suicide, divorce, and domestic abuse, as the result of people being compelled to remain at home 24/7. Not all homes are comfortable, and not all loved ones are loving. What will this mean for the NHS,  Social Services, and the police?

Your views?

Offline Brietta

Re: How do people feel about the lockdown?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2020, 07:24:16 PM »
It had to happen, IMO. Do you agree?

Should it have happened earlier?

Do you think the lockdown should be stricter? If so, in what way(s) ?

Do you think any of the rules are OTT?  Which ones, and why?

Is there anything that ought to be done, in your opinion, that is not being done?

Do you think people should be encouraged to "snitch" on their neighbours for breaking the rules?

Do you think the police should be spending their time enforcing them, and do you think this will work?

So, what do people think?  My immediate feelings are as follows: firstly, if Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty and Prince Charles come out of this relatively unscathed, I think many people will gain a false sense of security, and will be less inclined to comply with the lockdown rules.(Of course, I do hope that they all DO come out of it relatively unscathed).

 I am, and always have been, a law abider.   However, I'm a bit miffed that I now cannot walk my dog more than once a day (on quiet roads), while, at the same time, off licences are allowed to open, and the builders at the end of my road are certainly not obeying the social distancing rules.   Who is going to put more strain on our NHS, me, because I'm walking my dog (and not meeting anyone close up), or people who buy lots of booze, get p-------d, and might  cause accidents, or those who work close together and risk spreading the virus?

I am also aware that , for many people, home is not a good place to be, or a safe one. I think there will be an increase in the number of cases of mental health problems, suicide, divorce, and domestic abuse, as the result of people being compelled to remain at home 24/7. Not all homes are comfortable, and not all loved ones are loving. What will this mean for the NHS,  Social Services, and the police?

Your views?

I think it is too little too late and I am furious that there have been problems with the supply of protective clothing to front line NHS workers and criminal that they are only now having access to tests.

I know of a young woman working in a nursing home for the elderly where the patient she had been nursing who had all the symptoms of Covid-19 sadly died.
He was found not to have died from the virus just another common or garden chest infection but in the intervening period those who had been nursing him and who thought he might have had the virus were not tested and had to wait on tenterhooks.

Until we know who has the virus we will unnecessarily take valuable people into self isolation and people who are carrying without knowing it free to walk around spreading it.

We had plenty of warning.  I think we should have been far better prepared.
"All I'm going to say is that we've conducted a very serious investigation and there's no indication that Madeleine McCann's parents are connected to her disappearance. On the other hand, we have a lot of evidence pointing out that Christian killed her," Wolter told the "Friday at 9"....

Offline Carana

Re: How do people feel about the lockdown?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2020, 10:37:50 AM »
I think we just have to grin and bear it.

Just think how much we'll appreciate freedoms that we've taken for granted once it's all over.

We're all lucky that we have access to the Internet - I know people who don't and who feel really, really isolated. I keep in regular phone contact with them, but that's about all I can do.

Online mrswah

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Re: How do people feel about the lockdown?
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2020, 10:45:44 AM »
I think we just have to grin and bear it.

Just think how much we'll appreciate freedoms that we've taken for granted once it's all over.

We're all lucky that we have access to the Internet - I know people who don't and who feel really, really isolated. I keep in regular phone contact with them, but that's about all I can do.

I agree. i'm also lucky to have a comfortable house and a garden---I dread to think what it must be like to be confined to a small flat with kids.
I also wonder about how people's attitudes will change after all this. Will be interesting.

Online Eleanor

Re: How do people feel about the lockdown?
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2020, 01:04:29 PM »

I have been self isolated for many a long year so not much difference for me.  The Internet and this Forum are my life line.

My French remains debatable, but it is a different way of life here.  Much more calm and peaceful.  And much more kind.

It will all pass.  Meanwhile The French People have an entirely different attitude to the elderly.

I have not much idea of Global Economics beyond two plus two makes four and if you spend more than your income then you could be in trouble.

France is a Republic and has always spent more than it earns on those less fortunate, although I have never expected France to support me personally.

My British State Pension is diabolical by French standards, but I am fine.  I manage.  None of this rubbish worries me at all, beyond the possibility of dying.  And there isn't too much that I can do about that.

So pull yourselves together, Folk and obey the rules inso far as they are.

Offline Vertigo Swirl

Re: How do people feel about the lockdown?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2020, 02:25:10 PM »
I enjoy my own company, the bad news for me is that I am forced to be in self isolation for weeks and months with a man who I was rather hoping to divorce this year :-/

Online Eleanor

Re: How do people feel about the lockdown?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2020, 03:06:33 PM »
I enjoy my own company, the bad news for me is that I am forced to be in self isolation for weeks and months with a man who I was rather hoping to divorce this year :-/

What?  You loved him to bits once upon a time.  What went wrong?

Not that I haven't done the same thing, but there you go.  I thought that I was the only stupid one.

Chimps Forever.

Offline Vertigo Swirl

Re: How do people feel about the lockdown?
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2020, 03:20:31 PM »
What?  You loved him to bits once upon a time.  What went wrong?

Not that I haven't done the same thing, but there you go.  I thought that I was the only stupid one.

Chimps Forever.
Oh it’s the usual story, but the net net is we no longer want to live together and being forced to is a p.i.t.a.

Online Eleanor

Re: How do people feel about the lockdown?
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2020, 10:08:34 AM »
I enjoy my own company, the bad news for me is that I am forced to be in self isolation for weeks and months with a man who I was rather hoping to divorce this year :-/

Please don't kill him.  It wouldn't be worth it.

Offline Carana

Re: How do people feel about the lockdown?
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2020, 03:02:58 PM »

Offline Myster

Re: How do people feel about the lockdown?
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2020, 03:14:49 PM »
It's one of them cases, in'it... one of them f*ckin' cases.

Offline Carana

Re: How do people feel about the lockdown?
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2020, 03:52:15 PM »
Catherine Tate's mucky-mouthed mongrel?

No idea. I found it hilarious.  @)(++(*

Offline Vertigo Swirl

Re: How do people feel about the lockdown?
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2020, 07:07:21 PM »
Please don't kill him.  It wouldn't be worth it.
I’ll try my hardest not to.

Online Eleanor

Re: How do people feel about the lockdown?
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2020, 07:15:13 PM »
I’ll try my hardest not to.

Unless he's well insured of course.  In which case make it look like an accident.

Offline Vertigo Swirl

Re: How do people feel about the lockdown?
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2020, 07:18:59 PM »
Unless he's well insured of course.  In which case make it look like an accident.
He was up a ladder on the conservatory roof this afternoon...I missed my chance.