Author Topic: The Brexit deal's been done!  (Read 24094 times)

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Offline Vertigo Swirl

Re: The Brexit deal's been done!
« Reply #120 on: February 27, 2021, 03:46:38 PM »
"which is what the Scottish have had and which they want again,"  to send them home wards to think again? lmao

Erngath and her millions of followers tell you sush?

OK lets look at them stats -shall we?

1.There was a referendum asking Scottish people if they wanted to stay in the Union or leave. The MAJORITY voted to stay.
2. The SNPEEE party only has a majority thanks to the Green snowflake party. Shock news just in- the SNP do not have  a mandate to  order another referendum because they are not the voice of the MAJORITY of the people of Scotland just a majority of those who bothered to vote. different thing altogether.

3 Scotland was NEVER in the EU as a nation and was never recognised as a separate nation within the EU. It was the UK with the clout of England which got the UK into the Common Market. Therefore, all this talk about taking the Scottish people out of the EU against their will is  farcical and blatant lies. The Scots were not offered a separate vote to stay or leave the EU based on the information I have just given.

The poor voting is down to the appalling state of the country and the offerings of quality politicians . who should Scots vote for? Liebour- the marxist agenda, The conservatives stiil ,in the central belt ,a hated idea due to the Irish republican's second third gen, and SNP.. with their equality and diversity= taking over free speech , using the courts to silence critics? oh the Scottish Nasty party is still lifting their skirts to show the world  the intention of their dirty deeds!

I hope of all hope the decent men and women in those parties will stand as independents and stop this charade of self serving ,self promoting power seeking.
58% of Scots want independence now according to the latest post-Brexit polls.  I personally hope Scotland remains in the Union but I can’t really see much hope for that now.

Offline Miss Taken Identity

Re: The Brexit deal's been done!
« Reply #121 on: February 28, 2021, 09:47:51 PM »
58% of Scots want independence now according to the latest post-Brexit polls.  I personally hope Scotland remains in the Union but I can’t really see much hope for that now.

Error: "58% of Scots want independence now".

 This should read: 58% of Scots who were questioned want independence now, and this should be followed by how many people were polled and in which area was this conducted?  To show this was not a biased effort on behalf of the pollsters.

If Independence was actual independence and not to be made a colony of EU. which isn't a country at all!

We have NOTHING to offer the EU apart from debts and some fish we can't tax what we don't earn and you need LOTS of tax to pay into the EU gravy train.
'Never underestimate the power of stupid people'... George Carlin

Offline Carana

Re: The Brexit deal's been done!
« Reply #122 on: November 12, 2021, 09:39:45 AM »
Error: "58% of Scots want independence now".

 This should read: 58% of Scots who were questioned want independence now, and this should be followed by how many people were polled and in which area was this conducted?  To show this was not a biased effort on behalf of the pollsters.

If Independence was actual independence and not to be made a colony of EU. which isn't a country at all!

We have NOTHING to offer the EU apart from debts and some fish we can't tax what we don't earn and you need LOTS of tax to pay into the EU gravy train.

Yes, I agree about being wary of polls for the reasons you mention.

I'm not sure what you mean by "actual independence"? In what sense?

IMO, it's up to the electorate to decide what's likely to be best for them, provided they are able to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of the various options. And that assumes having accurate information and not relying on populist media outlets that provoke knee-jerk reactions.

However, I disagree with your last point re the cost of EU membership.

From 1973 up to 2018 Ireland was a net recipient of over €40 billion in EU funds. The country is now a net contributordue to its significant economic growth but its current net contribution of around 0.10% of the Irish economy is much less than the financial value of access to the EU Single Market.

Offline rulesapply

Re: The Brexit deal's been done!
« Reply #123 on: December 22, 2024, 06:04:40 PM »
For a moment, I thought it was Spammie posting.
7 Hope the
The EU has a system of common accreditation of qualifications if they correspond to common criteria.

My professional qualifications are, in theory, no longer accredited. I don't find that particularly amusing.

Anyway, bye-bye for now, Erasmus, 'til we meet again.
My certificates are neither amusing nor fun.but I wish we got away from England,  stopped them ....If only there were enough of us
 Only 5.5 million.  We don't breed for benefits . At.least, not like others 😁😁😁