Author Topic: Murder of Alistair Wilson.  (Read 1696 times)

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Offline EYES4LIES2

Murder of Alistair Wilson.
« on: June 29, 2022, 08:59:38 PM »
This case has baffled me for some time. Anyone have a theory.

28 November: Alistair Wilson is shot by an unidentified man on the doorstep of his family home In Nairn, Scotland. He had been reading his two sons a bedtime story just after 7pm when the man came to the door asking for him by name. He went downstairs to speak to the man and was handed a blue envelope. Mr Wilson went back inside briefly then returned to the door and was shot dead. He later died at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness.

The envelope we are told was empty and had the name Paul on it. It was a small envelope the kind you’d receive a birthday card in. He decided to go back to the door to see if the man was still there and it was that second time on going to the door he was killed.

In his victimology we learn. He had handed his notice in at the bank and it was his last day. He’d secured another job at an environmental agency. He had a recent fall out with the landlord over the road because of planning permission and rumours he was having an affair. He was also seen gambling large amounts on the Friday 2 days before.

His wife has been ruled out!

If it was a hit why not kill him the first time he came to the door?
Why the Envelope?
Why put someone else’s name on it instead did leaving it blank?
Why no burned out or abandoned getaway vehicle close by, typically seen in this type of murder?
« Last Edit: June 30, 2022, 01:39:56 PM by EYES4LIES2 »
Mr H

Offline Admin

Re: Murder of Alistair Wilson.
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2022, 09:03:28 PM »
This case has baffled me for some time. Anyone have a theory.

28 November: Alistair Wilson is shot by an unidentified man on the doorstep of his family home In Nairn, Scotland. He had been reading his two sons a bedtime story just after 7pm when the man came to the door asking for him by name. He went downstairs to speak to the man and was handed a blue envelope. Mr Wilson went back inside briefly then returned to the door and was shot dead. He later died at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness.

The envelope we are told was empty and had the name Paul on it. It was a small envelope the kind you’d receive a birthday card in. He decided to go back to the door to see if the man was still there and it was that second time on going to the door he was killed.

In his victimology we learn. He had handed his notice in at the bank and it was his last day. He’d secured another job at an environmental agency. He had a recent fall out with the landlord over the road because of planning permission and rumours he was having an affair. He was seen gambling large amounts on the Friday 2 days before.

His wife has been ruled out!

If it was a hit why not kill him the first time he came to the door?
Why the Envelope?
Why out someone else’s name on it instead did leaving it blank?

Welcome to the forum Eyes4Lies2.  I hope you get the feedback you are looking for to assist your research.

You have added some information that I have never seen made public previously. Looking back at the initial press coverage we had this family man with wife and two young children who was a banker in the town. A respectable young man by all accounts but then the less glamorous stuff starts to leak out. An alleged gambler with big losses and an alleged affair. Suddenly this mystery takes on an entirely new complexion.

f you have any links please post them with your comments.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2022, 09:41:47 PM by Admin »

Offline Admin

Re: Murder of Alistair Wilson.
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2022, 09:44:32 PM »
A roadworker checking the drains near to the murder scene even found the old revolver used in the killing yet DNA was not extracted from it.

This is a relatively small community in Scotland but still nobody heard or saw anything.

All sounds very fishy to me. And what was that all about an empty envelope that the killer handed to the victim?  And why did he return to the front door a second time only to be shot and killed?

Offline EYES4LIES2

Re: Murder of Alistair Wilson.
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2022, 01:24:44 PM »
Exactly. You would’ve thought if he was meant to put something in the envelope he wouldn’t have been bewildered by it being empty, he would’ve expected it to be empty.

Usually in these kind of hits we would see a getaway vehicle to be found burned out close by, or abandoned near by. Does this suggest they weren’t in a car and lived close to the gun disposal site?

I have a Theory that would explain everything as we are given it, but I was interested in others thoughts.
Mr H

Offline EYES4LIES2

Re: Murder of Alistair Wilson.
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2022, 01:27:27 PM »
Welcome to the forum Eyes4Lies2.  I hope you get the feedback you are looking for to assist your research.

You have added some information that I have never seen made public previously. Looking back at the initial press coverage we had this family man with wife and two young children who was a banker in the town. A respectable young man by all accounts but then the less glamorous stuff starts to leak out. An alleged gambler with big losses and an alleged affair. Suddenly this mystery takes on an entirely new complexion.

If you have any links please post them with your comments.

Thanks I shall remember to post links to my replies, this information comes from Peter bleskley’s book to catch a killer.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2022, 02:48:14 PM by Admin »
Mr H

Offline Admin

Re: Murder of Alistair Wilson.
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2022, 02:47:10 PM »
Exactly. You would’ve thought if he was meant to put something in the envelope he wouldn’t have been bewildered by it being empty, he would’ve expected it to be empty.

Usually in these kind of hits we would see a getaway vehicle to be found burned out close by, or abandoned near by. Does this suggest they weren’t in a car and lived close to the gun disposal site?

I have a Theory that would explain everything as we are given it, but I was interested in others thoughts.

Wasn't there some mention of a suspicious boat in the harbour at Inverness?   The little quaint tourist town of Inverness is not exactly the sort of place where shootings tend to happen which in self is an oddity.

Offline EYES4LIES2

Re: Murder of Alistair Wilson.
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2022, 08:32:57 PM »
There was yes very early on but this was very quickly ruled out. I think that was just the media speculation to be honest.

It was Actually Nairn, an ever quieter idilic seaside town, where there had not been a murder in over 40 years! Even that was two friends fighting at a wedding.

The police early on were very poor,  leading to this case going off the table very early on. Then for over a decade there was no active investigation.

His widow deserves to be vindicated from the vicious online trolls who accuse her, and their sons deserve to know who took their daddy away!
« Last Edit: July 01, 2022, 03:44:59 PM by EYES4LIES2 »
Mr H