Jez is 66 I believe, not 62, meaning he will be 71 at the next election. It's all well and good him being a nice guy and all, with integrity and principles but we need an effective party of opposition not an anti-establishment protest group which is what Labour will become under Corbyn. Out of interest, where in the world has Corbyn's brand of politics ever been shown to work on a longterm basis and improve the standard of living and well being for all its inhabitants?
The last party leader with strong convictions, the courage to stick to them and act on them was Mrs Thatcher. She believed in 'Monetarism' and her hero was Adam Smith. She scared Labour so much they became 'New Labour' ditching their traditional beliefs and loyalties in order to get elected. Since then less and less people have been interested in voting or being involved in the political process. Was that due to apathy or was it due to the feeling that no-one was representing their interests?
Lots of people joined the Labour Party recently in order to vote for Corbyn. It's been said they were Tory voters being sneaky, but they could be ordinary people who wanted a Labour leader who offered a true alternative to the other parties.
Corbyn seems to want a return to Keynesian economic policies. He doesn't believe in war. He believes in an NHS free at the point of use, a nationally owned Rail Network, nationally owned Energy Suppiers. He won't sell off our assets for others to make profit from. He prefers to tax the rich rather than oppressing the poor. He likes the idea of a right to buy your house from large private landlords and restricting how much rent these people can charge. He wants to allow local Councils to borrow to build houses. He cares about the poor and thinks this country is rich enough to take care of the less fortunate members of society. He would welcome immigrants and also provide for them. He likes the EU poiicies which have helped the poorer members of society; working time directives, minimum pay and holidays, all of which his opponents dislike.
Of course the rich and greedy will raise an enormous clamour against him because he threatens their interests.
None of his ideas are bad. None of them will impoverish the rich, and most of them will help the poor, the disabled and the less privileged.
Out of interest, where in the world have similar policies been fully implemented?