Author Topic: Nigel Farage has resigned from UKIP  (Read 17445 times)

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Re: Nigel Farage has resigned from UKIP
« Reply #30 on: July 08, 2016, 03:45:38 PM »
He highlighted the problems which uncontrolled immigration was causing, which is quite different.

Our governments should have been aware that neglecting the poor and cutting services was turning voters against the lot of them. No wonder the voters rejected their recommendations on the EU referendum. Based on past performance it was obvious that any so called prosperity we gained from EU membership wasn't going to be used to help the majority lead better lives. The vote didn't just reject EU membership, it rejected our political classes. They need to take that on board.


He has repeatedly exacerbated the situation for his own ends.

I have researched Farage's past behaviour and beliefs.

Have you ?

By the way, how has EU membership, which of course we are still part of, hurt you ?

Offline blonk

Re: Nigel Farage has resigned from UKIP
« Reply #31 on: July 08, 2016, 04:08:04 PM »
[Nigel Farage] has incited fear of immigration, and by that note immigrants.

Search his record, his many speeches on YouTube etc. and you will find 95% of it is about removing democratic Britain from the undemocratic E.U., and nothing else.

Where he has spoken about immigration, he has...

* identified the very obvious problem of belonging to a political union where any one of its 500 million inhabitants can just stroll in and settle here, no matter whether we have places...doctors...hospitals etc.

* supported the admission of Syrian refugees

* supported fair treatment for Gurkhas

* explained how unlimited E.U. migration lowers wages for the lowest-paid

* opposed all forms of racism, and

* campaigned for a sensible points system for immigrants like the Australian system.

On the point of Nigel Farage's 'background' and 'views', which you claim to have researched, I got to know Farage afte working as the Political Secretary of his fellow-M.E.P. Jeffery Titford 1999-2001. There was no trace of racism in him, and UKIP welcomed many ethnic minority members into the party at this time.

Finally, on the rise of 'racial hate crimes' in the past two weeks, regrettably whenever certain items feature on the news, there is an outbreak of these horrible kinds of attacks. There was for instance a similar sharp rise in attacks on Jews by Muslims at the time Israel went into Gaza to stop the Palestinians firing thousands of rockets at civilian targets in Israel.                 

Offline John

Re: Nigel Farage has resigned from UKIP
« Reply #32 on: July 08, 2016, 04:31:14 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 10, 2016, 01:08:38 PM by John »
A malicious prosecution for a crime which never existed. An exposé of egregious malfeasance by public officials.
Indeed, the truth never changes with the passage of time.

Offline G-Unit

Re: Nigel Farage has resigned from UKIP
« Reply #33 on: July 08, 2016, 06:26:06 PM »

He has repeatedly exacerbated the situation for his own ends.

I have researched Farage's past behaviour and beliefs.

Have you ?

By the way, how has EU membership, which of course we are still part of, hurt you ?

You will be able to provide cites found during your research then. When you do so we will discuss the facts you give, I'm not interested in your unsupported opinions.
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Re: Nigel Farage has resigned from UKIP
« Reply #34 on: July 08, 2016, 06:59:42 PM »
I did, but it seems they were off topic anyway.

That is a matter of opinion.

Offline Miss Taken Identity

Re: Nigel Farage has resigned from UKIP
« Reply #35 on: July 09, 2016, 05:31:28 PM »
Farage has achieved what he set out to achieve. He remains an MEP until the UK leaves the EU. He can sit back and snipe from the sidelines if he wishes without being constrained by being a party leader. A wise move in my opinion.

I concur! the arrogant MP's and holy grail of parliament should have listened to him years ago! or should have kept their eye on the EU ball with all the directives being shoved into our laws. The sheer volume would bring tears to a glass eye
'Never underestimate the power of stupid people'... George Carlin

Offline G-Unit

Re: Nigel Farage has resigned from UKIP
« Reply #36 on: July 09, 2016, 10:13:12 PM »
I concur! the arrogant MP's and holy grail of parliament should have listened to him years ago! or should have kept their eye on the EU ball with all the directives being shoved into our laws. The sheer volume would bring tears to a glass eye

They thought they could cherry-pick the bits they liked and resist it's trend towards more control and centralization. Farage highlighted just how they were losing that battle. If the EU was so great why did successive UK politicians fight so hard against so many of it's aims?
« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 08:20:57 PM by John »
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