What would be the motive for DB to murder his family. He was assessed by a psychologist/psychiatrist shortly after the murders and found to be 'normal' and free from any personality disorder/mental illness. It is said RB was depressed; his wife wanted him out of her life; at the time of the murders he was banished to live in the garden/campervan; the school he was principal at received a poor review by inspectors; his daughter, LB, was about to go public and claim an incestuous relationship.
David Bain had little money, no regular income apart from his paper round, and was irritated by the lack of any progress being made in the construction of a new home which his mother had drawn up and submitted plans for. Allegedly, Robin Bain wasn't as enthusiastic about the project, and his eldest son increasingly flexed his muscle in the Bain household to dominate his younger siblings. What easier way out than to get rid of them all in order to improve his dire situation with the money set aside by his parents for the rebuild.
Why would Robin leave that cryptic computer message praising David over all the others, when in fact Stephen and Arawa were getting on just fine with their father and their own lives at school and college? It only makes sense if David typed it on the computer, rather than writing it out longhand to avoid any suspicion that the message was his.
After finishing his paper round, what does David do? Washes his "black hands", switches on the washing machine, then goes back upstairs into his bedroom, notices his wardrobe door open with numerous bullets, an empty ammo box and his rifle trigger lock with key scattered on the floor... but no rifle. He must have gone searching for it and discovered his family's bodies, but then stalls for 20 minutes before calling for help! What would any sensible son who cared about his family do on discovering such carnage? That's right... call emergency services asap, or go find the nearest passer-by or neighbour to raise the alarm. The long delay makes no sense!
When interviewed by police, he claimed that he hadn't seen Stephen's, Laniet's or Arawa's bodies, only those of his mum and dad, yet in the 111 call he repeated FIVE times that ALL his family were dead...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7HsjKDSaKAIn court, he contradicted himself again by stating that he heard Laniet gurgling when he went into her room, but in 2012 told Justice Binnie he had no recall of any gurgling!!!
http://davidbain.counterspin.co.nz/evidence/david-stated-that-he-heard-laniet-gurglingThose were only three slip-ups, but there are just too many other contradictions for me to believe anything other than David Bain was responsible.