Where was Michael Stone on he day the Russell's were murdered near Chillenden?
Stone was arrested a year after the murders; unless there is a special reason, most people can't remember what they were doing a year ago, however, we believe we have traced Stone's movements on the day as accurately as possible. All we need is verification.
12.20pm: Stone is at Cash Converters in Gillingham with a fellow petty crook where they sell a tennis racket and a drill casing they had picked up from Rochester the previous Sunday. He is given a dated and timed till receipt.
15.30: Stone and his criminal associate arrive at 9 Martin Road, Strood.
Just after 16.00, Stone and two companions leave Martin Road on foot for the phone box outside the main Post Office where one of them sells some drugs to a customer.
Around 16.15, Stone walks to the Civic Centre calling into a baker’s shop en route.
About this time, Dr Russell and her two young daughters are walking home.NB. The villages of Strood and Chillenden are approximately 40 miles apart.Around 16.20, Stone's companion books an appointment at the Civic Centre for Thursday, two days hence. The two of them then walk back towards the Post Office and meet up with the third man who gives Stone his share of the money from the drug sale.
About this time, Dr Russell and her daughters are attacked.Around 16.45, Stone and two others leave Martin Road in his white Tercel for Wiltshire Close, arriving there around 17.00.
Around 17.10, the Tercel arrives at Gillingham Station, Stone gets out, and his companion drives back to Stone's Skinner Street flat. Stone makes a call from a phone box at the front of the station to a business contact.
Around 17.20, Stone catches a train from Gillingham to Rochester.
17.30: Stone arrives at Rochester.
He leave Rochester around 19.00 and spends the rest of the night selling the half ounce of heroin he and an associate had bought earlier from his supplier. He makes a handsome profit which he splits with his partner in crime; he also pays another associate for fixing and driving the Toyota Tercel.