Alleged Miscarriages of Justice > The Bain family killings occurred in Dunedin, New Zealand, in 1994.
A look at the Bain family murders which occurred in Dunedin NZ in 1994.
Holly Goodhead:
This is the story of a mass-murder that divided a nation. A story that began in a rickety old home on a cold June morning in 1994, when five members of a seemingly ordinary New Zealand family were gunned down. There were two suspects.
One lay dead from a single bullet to his head. The other was the only survivor: David Bain. Since then the country has been divided as to who killed the Bain family? David Bain or his father Robin?
Here's an account of the family by Robin Bain's brother:
Sounds rather sanitised compared with other accounts of marital disharmony; RB banished to live in a campervan at the bottom of the garden; 65 Every St a complete pigsty; claims that RB was depressed and having an incestuous relationship with LB who was a sex worker. Surely not your average family in NZ? Think the brother must have od on The Waltons.
The brother seems to think the fact RB was a Christian precludes him from any sort of wrongdoing:,-trial-told
Note in the article RB was into computers/IT so maybe he did leave the message: 'You're the only one who deserves to live'!
I'm inclined to think RB was responsible but don't know enough to have any strong opinions.
--- Quote from: Holly Goodhead on July 27, 2017, 03:19:25 PM ---Note in the article RB was into computers/IT so maybe he did leave the message: 'You're the only one who deserves to live'!
I'm inclined to think RB was responsible but don't know enough to have any strong opinions.
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Robin Bain was a teacher, therefore capable of handwriting a note. So why waste time booting up a computer to type that curiously-worded message before his son returned? To conceal its author's true identity, maybe?
--- Quote from: Holly Goodhead on July 27, 2017, 03:19:25 PM ---Note in the article RB was into computers/IT so maybe he did leave the message: 'You're the only one who deserves to live'!
I'm inclined to think RB was responsible but don't know enough to have any strong opinions.
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--- Quote from: Myster on July 28, 2017, 06:10:25 AM ---Robin Bain was a teacher, therefore capable of handwriting a note. So why waste time booting up a computer to type that curiously-worded message before his son returned? To conceal its author's true identity, maybe?
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Then there's David Bain's bloodsoaked opera gloves discovered under his brother's bed, and lens from the broken frame which David Bain wore, found in the same room, (why would Robin Bain go to the trouble of wearing his son's new gloves if he intended to commit suicide?); the undone rifle trigger lock whose key location was known only to David Bain; the bloody footprint stains in the hallway which he failed to notice on his way downstairs to wash his bloodstained pullover; and to cap it all, that ludicrously contrived 111 call made some 25 minutes! after he arrived home without noticing anything untoward had happened! Even the call recipient sounded incredulous.
Easier than solving a game of Cluedo!
--- Quote from: Myster on July 30, 2017, 07:52:57 AM ---Then there's David Bain's bloodsoaked opera gloves discovered under his brother's bed, and lens from the broken frame which David Bain wore, found in the same room, (why would Robin Bain go to the trouble of wearing his son's new gloves if he intended to commit suicide?); the undone rifle trigger lock whose key location was known only to David Bain; the bloody footprint stains in the hallway which he failed to notice on his way downstairs to wash his bloodstained pullover; and to cap it all, that ludicrously contrived 111 call made some 25 minutes! after he arrived home without noticing anything untoward had happened! Even the call recipient sounded incredulous.
Easier than solving a game of Cluedo!
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Why this why that.
I listened to the last episode of Black Hands.
Van Beynen claims it was a careful plan but that now Bain has blocked his memory of it. I can't imagine blocking the memory of constructing a careful plan over weeks when the outcome is your family is dead as planned.
He claims that David shot Robin from behind the curtain.
However we know with certainty the silencer was touching Robin's temple as the single shot was fired, this is an immutable data point.
What plan could count on Robin being close to the curtain and the single shot replicating a suicide trajectory?
This podcast series is a disgrace, Van Beynen should be locked up with some rocket scientists and aircraft engineers who must show their workings to make things safely airborne.
However in the comments section all 28 odd congratulate Van Beynen on solving it, and are incredulous that anyone could see it otherwise. This tells me something, but that something is a mystery wrapped in an enigma.
Robin Bain shot the family, because he had blood on his hands at morning prayer, uncontested, and it was a contact wound, uncontested, and the trajectory was compatible with the most comfortable suicide pose, contested only by those who believe a right hander naturally picks up an object they will direct at themselves with the left hand.
He also makes the odd claim David's plan failed only because younger brother Stephen woke during the massacre so framing dad was compromised.
Jesus wept, who expects to blunder round a house with a gun and not wake one of the undead?
Holly Goodhead:
--- Quote from: Myster on July 30, 2017, 07:52:57 AM ---Then there's David Bain's bloodsoaked opera gloves discovered under his brother's bed, and lens from the broken frame which David Bain wore, found in the same room, (why would Robin Bain go to the trouble of wearing his son's new gloves if he intended to commit suicide?); the undone rifle trigger lock whose key location was known only to David Bain; the bloody footprint stains in the hallway which he failed to notice on his way downstairs to wash his bloodstained pullover; and to cap it all, that ludicrously contrived 111 call made some 25 minutes! after he arrived home without noticing anything untoward had happened! Even the call recipient sounded incredulous.
Easier than solving a game of Cluedo!
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DB was found not guilty at his retrial in 2009. He has since received nearly 925,000 NZ dollars ostensibly to cover legal fees!
The points you raise above can easily be argued against:
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