How about when receiving a warning for x transgression but given no details of the post that was objectionable from an unsigned and unanswerable pm? One might be scratching ones head thnking.
At least please include a post quote?
I have revisited this issue several times mercury but there isn't a simple solution. I have found that it is better to remove an offending post completely rather than replace its content with a mod comment.
When issuing a warning, a moderator can link to any offending post by clicking on the little orange triangle with a white exclamation mark within it positioned beside the "report to moderator" tag. Note: Only moderators, editors and staff members can see this orange triangle. It could be that new moderators are not aware of this, there is a brief note about it on the forum but could very easily be missed. I will issue a note to all editing staff immediately about this.
The downside however is that posts which are deleted cannot be linked to.
Hopefully, this should sort things out.