Alleged Miscarriages of Justice > Billy Middleton and the death of his daughter in a house fire at Brae, Shetland Isles.

Billy Middleton


I know him well but for the possible reprisals in this small island I would love to share . Providing it was not to be published using my name . But I am honest and do have inside track on this persons past life style before he got married 


--- Quote from: addie on August 31, 2022, 12:54:18 PM ---I know him well but for the possible reprisals in this small island I would love to share . Providing it was not to be published using my name . But I am honest and do have inside track on this persons past life style before he got married

--- End quote ---

They do say a leopard never changes its spots. We have been told of his exploits many times over the years so no need to go back over them again.

It's Kareen I feel sorry for after all she was put through by him.


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