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Not sure why my previous post was removed - but would like to know the reason...anyone.


Wonder if this will ever be used...maybe the mccs could request it....or SY

I very nearly removed your Comment but decided not to.  Libel would have been my reason.  Please don't do this again.

Well, could be you were right both times -  if you think the mccs dunnit.

I thought more if the mccs wasn't involved it could maybe show who was responsible...its more 50/50

You should have watched it least if it was used it would start from the begining 3/05/07
As I don’t think the McCanns dunnit I doubt putting their statements through some AI programme will help at all.  Perhaps the Germans could use it to help nail Bruckner though.  That would be good.
That was incredibly creepy and uninformative.  Well the first 5 minutes were before I stoppeded watching.  Let me guess - the videomaker thinks AI will help prove the McCanns dunnit, am I right or am I right?


Well, could be you were right both times -  if you think the mccs dunnit.

I thought more if the mccs wasn't involved it could maybe show who was responsible...its more 50/50

You should have watched it least if it was used it would start from the begining 3/05/07
As I wrote on another thread I was convinced she was guilty and a few months ago waded into a discussion online about it with people who are (IMO) the equivalent of 2007/08 McCann sceptics, i.e: apparently dedicating their whole lives to a justice campaign with a ferocity and determination not to mention unlimited reserves of stamina and bitchiness that was initially quite bewildering.  These people (mostly women) had an answer for absolutely everything I threw at them but I had to admit defeat in the end as their knowledge of the minutiae of the case far exceeded mine.  In fact I actually think without an in-depth knowledge of the science involved it’s pretty difficult to draw conclusions either way and that was a strong part of their argument.  That jurors aren’t really qualified or knowledgeable enough to make a value judgement about evidence in such cases.  Of course there’s loads of circumstantial evidence, just as there is in the case of Bruckner, but most if not all can be explained away and is easily dismissed by the Lucy Letby fan club.  Then of course there’s is the independent investigations by various highly regarded publications such as Private Eye and the New Yorker, and the support of many extremely well regarded scientists and medical experts such as we saw at the press conference yesterday, all convinced that LL has been the victim of a terrible miscarriage of justice.
I really don’t want to admit it but I think they may have a point, terrible though it is for the parents of these babies to be put through his re-examination of the evidence in the mainstream media and social media, but should their feelings be considered when there is a possibility that an innocent woman will be spending the rest of her life behind bars?

My opinion is that the  case should continue to be investigated if there is doubt, and that this must come before the feelings of the families.
I have followed this case from the beginning.  I had come to the conclusion that she is guilty, but after the recent press conference, I have some doubts.

It seems that many people have some doubts, and if there is doubt, I think the case should be looked at again, particularly as she has whole life tariffs.

I am on several discussion groups, and I find that there are a few NGs and a few  Gs who are particularly nasty.
Not sure why my previous post was removed - but would like to know the reason...anyone.


Wonder if this will ever be used...maybe the mccs could request it....or SY
That was incredibly creepy and uninformative.  Well the first 5 minutes were before I stopped watching.  Let me guess - the videomaker thinks AI will help prove the McCanns dunnit, am I right or am I right?
Not sure why my previous post was removed - but would like to know the reason...anyone.


Wonder if this will ever be used...maybe the mccs could request it....or SY
Never been anywhere near Ampleforth in my life!  Not from a Catholic family either!  In fact I've only now just looked it up and wish I'd had the opportunity and good fortune to be educated there...
Filthy-rich Jo Rowling has another pot-boiler in the offing, inspired by countless posts by a certain someone on this very forum...

"Potty Sadie Potter and The Incredulous Tale of a Royal Blood Princess and her Astonishing Abduction for Preposterous Procreation Purposes".

I know nothing about The remarkably voluble Gen, Sadie, other than he's a dead ringer for Russell Crowe.

As for me, I'm just a lowly, uneducated primate with a fondness for citrus...

and a penchant for pretty Asian gals...

Too late.   Enough people on here have read your words connecting you to The General and his connecting him to you.
You and The Gen are father and son unless you have both been telling lies.

Mmmm, Jo Rowling wasn't so wealthy when you drove her off, was she?   
Anyway, you gave her the inspiration for a cracking set of books, so well done you.   And, of course, your story, albeit much fanticized, is there for posterity ... if readers are able to unravel it.   It is quite revealing.

Expensive Catholic Ampleforth College, which places itself as the equivalent of Protestant Eton, and Oxford were your Alma Maters and you did rather well reading Math IIRC.   Cardinal Basil Hume (Albus in the HP books) was you guiding light so you were neither lowly nor an uneducated primate.   Dunno about your fondness for citrus.

Yep, The Gen is rather handsome and you're not bad either  8(0(*   

I hope that you are feeling better.


Filthy-rich Jo Rowling has another pot-boiler in the offing, inspired by countless posts by a certain someone on this very forum...

"Potty Sadie Potter and The Incredulous Tale of a Royal Blood Princess and her Astonishing Abduction for Preposterous Procreation Purposes".

I know nothing about The remarkably voluble Gen, Sadie, other than he's a dead ringer for Russell Crowe.

As for me, I'm just a lowly, uneducated primate with a fondness for citrus...

and a penchant for pretty Asian gals...
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