Author Topic: ITN video news footage from 1985/86.  (Read 9483 times)

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ITN video news footage from 1985/86.
« on: March 05, 2012, 12:22:12 PM »
ITN video news footage.

Here is a selection of ITN video news footage from the time of the murders.  I have included a short synopsis to help you find your way around.

Bamber arriving at court re Osea burglary charges - Footage of Bamber leaving the court hiding under his white sweater.

Footage of police at Pages Lane - Why Sheila Caffell is innocent - Police admit to mistakes initially - Footage of David Boutflour working on the farm - Footage of Mugford leaving court.

The case facts - footage of the funeral - Bamber leaving court - Video of the farmhouse - Bamber and Mugford at funeral - Finding of the silencer - Ewan Smith comments on the case - DNA and the silencer.

Bamber arriving at court - External footage of the farmhouse front and rear - Ann Lucas reporting from Chelmsford Crown Court re the wills.

Bamber arriving at court - Reading of the charges - External footage of the farmhouse - Bamber arriving at the funeral with Julie Mugford - The funeral cortège - Bamber leaving court.

Opening of the case - Geoffrey Rivlin QC - Sheila's mental state - Mugford leaving court with police escort - Bambers first question in witness box - Artists impression of Bamber in witness box - Kitchen footage at White House farm.

Intro to Julie Mugford - Mugford leaving court - Mugford gives evidence - House at Goldhanger - Details of Jeremy's murderous plan - External footage of the farmhouse - Sheila to be the scapegoat.

Jury hears Bambers reactions to police on the morning of the murders and a month later - DC Michael Clark says Bamber was in jovial mood - Footage of Mugford leaving court - Bamber comments about Mugford "A fertile imagination".

Police surgeon gives evidence re seeing Bamber at the scene - Footage of Dr Ian Craig leaving court - Craig tells of his conversation with Bamber as they walked - Evidence of Julie Foulkes and her mother who spoke of seeing Sheila the day previous day and said she was happy - Footage of the leader of the raid team arriving at court - Police evidence pre raid - Police comment re the Porsche.

Jeremy's boarding school - Champagne lifestyle - Footage of the rifle and ammunition - Reconstruction of the bike ride to the farm and accessing the property - Bamber and Mugford at funeral.

Background to Sheila Caffell violence and illness - Colin Caffell and the twins early stills - Part interview with Colin Caffell "Nice to be a family" "A lot of hope of getting together" - Strong feeling of betrayal towards Bamber "That really hurt".

The verdict - Judges comments - David Boutflour gives his reaction.

Forensic scientist Glenys Howard footage arriving at court and evidence re Sheila and the rifle - Forensic Scientist Malcolm Fletcher's evidence and footage leaving court.

Evidence of Dr Hugh Ferguson re Sheila "...could not be violent towards her children or to her father." - Footage of Dr Ferguson leaving court - Footage of jury being transported by police escort to test firing range - Bamber elected not to go.

Julie Mugford and mother arrive at court - Mugford evidence - Artists impression of the courtroom - Ref to Matthew McDonald as "the hitman" - Footage of McDonald leaving court hiding his face - Evidence of Julie Rimmington and footage of her leaving court - Says day before funeral Bamber searching farmhouse for money hidden by Neville. Had a meal with Bamber that evening, he again talked of buying a new car, a Porsche and opening up a restaurant.

David Boutflour gives evidence re the finding of the silencer - Footage of SOCO Ronald Cook leaving court - Evidence by Barbara Wilson (farm secretary) spoke of Bambers arrogance after the murders and that Sheila's well-being had improved prior to the murders - Footage of Barbara Wilson arriving at court.

Offline Angelo222

Re: ITN video news footage from 1985/86.
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2012, 06:50:47 PM »
Thank you for putting those snippets from the news back up on the forum admin.  I have always found them to be sobering and bring one back to how the case was actually perceived in 1985 and 1986.  It does no harm to be reminded of the events as it is all to easy to forget what it is all about after 26 years.  I see you have replaced the photo library and extended it as well.  I suppose there are lots of other photos which you will be providing in the fullness of time?
De troothe has the annoying habit of coming to the surface just when you least expect it!!

Je ne regrette rien!!

Offline John

Re: ITN video news footage from 1985/86.
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2015, 03:53:57 PM »
New members interested in the Jeremy Bamber should find this raw footage taken by ITN worthy of review.
A malicious prosecution for a crime which never existed. An exposé of egregious malfeasance by public officials.
Indeed, the truth never changes with the passage of time.