Who is up for criticism here?
By implication the alleged 'cruelty' stems from ...
- Madeleine McCann
- Madeleine McCann's parents
The alleged 'cruelty' stems from those who make the comparisons and certainly not the victims of the crime.
Wouldn't it be a good idea to revert to to a reasonable standard of discussion on the forum and desist from turning every thread into absolute criticism of individuals labouring under a burden which would bring most people to their knees.
We are members of a JUSTICE forum. Which sometimes seems more intent on heaping more injustice on named individuals than is reasonably proper.
Individuals cannot control a news agenda; ask Shining about that.
Did anyone stop to think about the cruelty visited upon Madeleine McCann's family by the comparison made with Isabel Celis whose remains have been found discarded somewhere in a desert?
It really is way beyond time that some individuals particularly those who are members of a forum dedicated to justice, examine their consciences prior to hitting their keyboards ... in my opinion.
I don't think suppressing such discussion adds anything to the search for justice re Madeleine. I have been monitoring the news and there is quite clearly an uptick in stories that are being related to the McCanns. Last night and tonight Channel 5 aired/airs a two part documentary about Karen Matthews, The Mother's story, in which a number of experts opined. India Lake, body language 'expert' analysed Matthews, then Dr Elizabeth Yardley and journalist Amanda Platell equated this to Kate McCann's body language.
I missed the programme and the link
https://www.my5.tv/shannon-matthews-the-mothers-story/season-1/shannon-matthews-the-mothers-story does not work for me, presumably because I am not in the UK.
I am critical of the use of body language in general, given that research indicates it is hardly the best of tools. It appears one of the linking items was Karen's use of a teddy bear, which she could not name because the child had never seen it.
The media appears to be using the 10th to crank out anything that can be related to Madeleine McCann. The question is, will the current flurry of stories die off after 3 May 2017. I can't remember a peak last year, and there was almost no-one on the ground. That's what I would predict for the 11th, 12th, 13th etc.
This may be the storm before the calm, which would then be an opportunity for the McCanns to get the twins life as near normal as possible.