Author Topic: Brilliant send up video of Amaral  (Read 1672 times)

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Offline DCI

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Brilliant send up video of Amaral
« on: July 11, 2013, 03:20:28 PM »

"My name is inspector Amagal. After I have filled at expenses of little Maddie, by telling the whole truth in books, documentaries and variety shows, Iīm going to continue to fill by telling the whole truth about what happened to the small investigation of the Maddie case.

Discover with me the whole truth about what happened to the small investigation, a flop, many people wanted to include, starting with me". The truth of incompetence. In May of 2007, inspector Amaral started the small investigation, the small investigation died because of political pressures, this one is the version we accustomed to accepted as the only possible, but, is it true? Or this version hides an incompetence that many wants to hide?

Words of Amagal: "It was here, at Luz beach, that was last seen the small investigation, but now, I come to reveal the small investigation: not disappeared, was murdered, Iīm certain that the responsibility of her death is of her parents, and, me and my team going to prove it". The official version guarantees that the small investigation was ruined because of the couple McCann, but several witnesses guarantees that all those months the inspector Amaral and his friends of PJ left the small investigation alone while drinking lots of white wine bottles.
Words of Amagal: "It was not with white wine, because that is a thing of XXXX, it was bottles of red wine and sometimes either a red wine of XXXX". The inspector Amaral didnīt care about the small investigation, he understood that was enough a confession of the couple McCann, but this raised a problem.

Words of Amagal: "It was not one but two, first: the McCan were British, therefore, I couldnīt get a confession by beating them, as I use to do, second: the McCan were questioned on the ground floor, therefore I could not tell that they had fallen from the stairs".
The inspector Amaral followed fully all the PJ instructions, by phoning to dozens of reporters and informed them of all the facts of the small investigation which was under secrecy of justice.

Words of Amagal: "with the McCan being judge in the public square, I requested the assistance of Max, a detective dog, but then I was inforrmed that Max doesnīt exist and so we brougt other two irracional animals, which spent their days chewing bones to do our work". And in one day, both irracional animals which spent days chewing bones and sniffing each others behinds did a lot more then Amaral in months.
Words of Amagal: "the sniffer dogs did exactly what I expected, walked through the room sniffing every corner wity determination searching for evidences and they found it, evidences of a lot of things, I prefered that they bitten the McCan until they confess everything, but that is me".
Meanwhile, the couple left Portugal, without say nothing to Amaral.

Words of Amagal: "shorty after, I was sacked / kicked frrom PJ and the small investigation died, can say I killed the investigation, because I prefered that the truth never knew, to continue to appear on tv, to belch, to XXXX, you can say I killed the small investigation because Iīm an incompetent, but one thing is certain: for the first time in my life I proved one thing: it was me who killed the small investigation, this was what happened, that is the whole truth and I have not lost hope of going to America to tell it to Oprah".

Max was a dog of a fictional tv series at TVI.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 03:22:30 PM by DCI »
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Re: Brilliant send up video of Amaral
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2013, 09:57:09 PM »

The bufoon on the video and the buffoon whoever he is that translated it

Must have been a full moon for them both

Peurile and  irrelvant lunacy

Offline sadie

Re: Brilliant send up video of Amaral
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2013, 11:20:39 PM »
Love it DCI 8@??)( @)(++(*

So many laughs in such a short video

Amaral is a bit like Basil Faulty isn't he?  Doesn't get anything right.

Bullying too, like Basil, BUT far worse

Online Eleanor

Re: Brilliant send up video of Amaral
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2013, 05:20:01 AM »

I wonder how that went down on Portuguese Television?  But we do know that not all of the Portuguese population are enamoured of Goncalo Amaral.