Alleged Miscarriages of Justice > Jeremy Bamber and the callous murder of his father, mother, sister and twin nephews. Case effectively CLOSED by CCRC on basis of NO APPEAL REFERRAL.
Jeremy Bamber - We correct the falsehoods being promoted in the case!
Fact No 1 Sheila was not bleeding when the police arrived
Sheila Caffell was NOT bleeding per sé when the police entered the scene of the murders. When her body was found it was photographed in situ several times both before and after being checked out for any signs of life. In the first photograph taken by a police photographer it is obvious that blood had welled up in her mouth and throat effectively forming a reservoir of blood which had not yet congealed. After death some of this blood had seeped from her mouth and a nostril and can be seen to have trickled down both sides of her face and congealed. There is no evidence of continued bleeding from her mouth or from the two gunshot wounds to her throat.
Fact No 2 Nevill Bamber never phoned the police that morning
Nevill Bamber did not telephone anyone on the morning he was murdered. He couldn't have as the bedroom telephone had earlier been removed to the kitchen and the kitchen telephone hidden under some magazines. Nevill Bamber was shot three times in his bedroom before he managed to get downstairs only to be beaten and shot several more times. No blood was ever found on or around the kitchen telephone.
It was son Jeremy Bamber who telephoned the police around 3.30am and set the scene when he told them that his father had phoned him to say that Sheila had a gun and had gone berserk. Records show that only one telephone call was ever received by Essex Police and that was from Jeremy Bamber. Not only did Jeremy Bamber not dial 999 for emergency assistance but he took time to telephone his girlfriend in London and tell her that it had kicked off at the farmhouse. Interestingly, the evidence shows that this call t the girlfriend was placed around 3am, some 20 minutes before the call to police.
Fact No 3 Jeremy Bamber was a criminal even before the murders
Jeremy Bamber was not the clean cut respectable young man that many would seek to portray him as. We know from witness statements and trial evidence that Jeremy was not content with his lot and resented his parents for their hollier than though approach to life.
We know that he broke into the family business premises a short time before he murdered his entire family and stole £980. He trashed the place before leaving making it look as if some intruder had carried out the theft. He was accompanied on this foray by Julie Mugford and but for Julie Mugford coming forward this event may never have been uncovered.
We also know that Bamber grew cannabis on the farm and sold it freely in order to subsidise his lavish clubbing lifestyle.
There are also rumours that he was involved in certain questionable activities whilst in New Zealand and Australia, the details of which will soon be known.
Osea Road Caravan park premises which Bamber robbed.
Fact No 4 The police didn't fire any shots in the farmhouse
It is promoted on the ridiculous Bamber forum that a police officer shot Sheila in the bedroom after she had already shot herself once in the neck in a failed suicide bid. It is also being suggested as that she may have shot herself in the kitchen and was lying there when the police broke into the house. Even more ridiculous is the suggestion that she regained consciousness and while shot in the throat was able to negotiate herself upstairs and into the master bedroom unseen where she shot herself or was shot a second time. 8@??)(
When you have finished laughing at this preposterous notion we can tell you what really occurred.
Sheila Caffell (Jeremy Bamber's adopted sister) was first shot in the throat but when Bamber realised that she had not been fatally injured he had to shoot her a second time and take the risk that a double shot suicide could appear suspicious. Left alive she could have informed on him.
Jeremy Bamber told police both in his initial telephone call to them and after they arrived at the farm that his sister had got one of his father's rifles and had gone berserk. It is little wonder therefore that the police initially believed him. The first officers who arrived at the scene had no reason to contemplate that a son could do such a thing to five family members including two sleeping 6-year-olds?
When the police broke into the farmhouse they discovered Nevill Bamber (father) dead in the kitchen and when they eventually checked upstairs they found June Bamber (mother) and Sheila lying on the floor of the master bedroom. June had been shot several times in the face and Sheila had been shot twice in the throat. Lying on top of Sheila was an unloaded rifle in order to give the appearance of a suicide.
No shots were discharged by police at the farmhouse that morning, none were heard over the open telephone line which was being monitored and none were heard by anyone who attended the scene. The police did not shoot anyone that morning and for anyone to promote this lie is to perpetuate a slur on those police officers who attended the scene.
Two independent police investigations since the trial have reached the same conclusion. Sheila Caffell did not commit suicide.
Fact No 5 Itemised telephone billing did not exist at White House Farm
It has been claimed by a certain individual that itemised telephone accounts were available for the Maldon telephone exchange and that the August 1985 bill relating to Jeremy's home in Goldhanger and that of White House Farm has been withheld under Public Interest Immunity (PII). The reason why such a bill would be of interest is that it would have shown what calls if any had been made and at what time from Jeremy's home or from White House Farm itself.
Public-interest immunity (PII) is a principle of English common law under which the English courts can grant a court order allowing one litigant to refrain from disclosing evidence to the other litigants where disclosure would be damaging to the public interest. This is an exception to the usual rule that all parties in litigation must disclose any evidence that is relevant to the proceedings. In making a PII order, the court has to balance the public interest in the administration of justice (which demands that relevant material is available to the parties to litigation) and the public interest in maintaining the confidentiality of certain documents whose disclosure would be damaging.
We can confirm that although BT were in the process of bringing in itemised billing that no such billing was available at the Maldon exchange for White House Farm. An interesting issue developed during the investigation into the murderers when it was revealed by Miss Julie Mugford that Jeremy Bamber had telephoned her on the morning of the murders. Enquiries revealed that Jeremy had telephoned Julie even before he telephoned the police such was his lack of concern for his family. Further investigations also established that this call was timed around 3am.
The police went to a lot of trouble to establish the time of this call to Julie Mugford and also the telephone call placed by Jeremy Bamber to the police. They did not have any data from BT to go on. It is therefore simply ridiculous to suggest that the police had merely to check with BT in order to establish the timing of the calls. Itemised billing was never available and has never been withheld under PII.
Yet further proof if any was needed of the fantasy theories being promoted by camp Bamber.
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