That's right Ian. Why they vociferously defend Mike in spite of his constant BS, but worse his foul mouthed ranting when someone sees through his lies or disagrees with him, is a mystery. If you are pressed about a particular issue and you feel the need to become abusive I think it is pretty clear you have lost the argument. I must admit when I first found the blue forum and noted his attention to detail and knowledge about the minutiae of the case I was very impressed. However, not long afterwards his comments about having evidence that would prove Jeremy's innocence but failing to post them or even supply them to someone who could help Jeremy get out of prison proved he was full of s**t. Add his outright lies and nonsense about informants to the mix and you quickly realise that nothing he says is of any substance. And the worst thing is that if Bamber is a genuine miscarriage of justice (which I doubt almost entirely) then much damage would have been done to his cause by Tesco's rantings.
A good view of the situation Goatboy. I too was at first imprsssed by Tesko only to realise what he was saying he couldn't back up. I lost count of the number of times I asked him to support what he was saying with hard evidence. Every single time he failed to produce it. I then learned of his criminal background and his association with Bamber. This proved to be the final straw for me. It was clear that he was going to try to secure Bamber's release by any means necessary. Whether he had to lie, cajole, manipulate or disseminate mattered little to him insofar as the ultimate objective. He was trying to get released a convicted mass killer and child murderer. Innocence or guilt didn't seem to matter to him, his sole and primary focus was securing Bamber's release. I was absolutely sickened by this and vowed to fight it tooth and nail. I believed at this stage that Sheila was completely innocent of the appalling accusations levelled at her by her 'brother' and his cronies. I also realised that we were dealing with a very clever, devious and highly manipulative psychopath in Jeremy Bamber. However, I had the comfort of knowing that he had a whole life sentence and will never see the light of day again., despite repeated attempts by him and his cronies to secure his release. I am satisfied that this case is now finally closed and the beast Bamber has finally been defeated. I also know that his back-slappers, leeches and cronies would not be able to accept this as Bamber is the common thread that binds them all together. Expect there to be a whole welter of theories each more ridiculous than the last as they mount in desparation. However, somewhere we all may be in for a shock. It is possible that Bamber, sometime in the future may, just may, admit his guilt or acknowledge at least some culpability for the murders. He will do it in a very convoluted and disconnected manner, but I think he might just do it. He has no other options left to him and time is now running out. However, regardless of this the truth is, is that he will never be released and will certainly die behind bars. In his cell I am sure he has reason to think back on that August night in 1985 and regret his own arrogance and stupidity and misfortune in getting caught for a crime he almost certainly believed would never be uncovered. In this he was very, very mistaken.