So you popped off to Praia da Luz to conduct your own investigation and interviews to gain enough evidence to enable you to form your own individual opinion without reference to any of Amaral's theories.
Well done you ✨
Back in the real world investigators have reached opinions as far removed from yours and Amaral's as night is from day.
Brueckner is known to have filmed his exploits. The German prosecutor is now asking for background shots of places associated with Brueckner.
There can be be very few reasons for his interest but one in particular is patently obvious given Brueckner's photographic interest in selfies in possibly identifiable locations and the fact that the Germans are in possession of much of Brueckner's stache of photographic images on concealed pen drives.
So what have you done - popped over to Germany - for you to be so confident it is CB who took Maddie.
Or, just going on what you have seen in media/interviews. ..CB is only a suspect/person of interest nothing to prove he was involved with maddie. all what you have posted is what YOU think is happening doesnt mean to say it is.
Where I don't have to pop anywhere everything is there to read what has gone on in this case with the mccs.
All official statements court cases ect ect all official not just stuff from a prosecutor that no one knows any thing about, B