Here is an alternative to the mouthbreather hypothesis: the pro-guilt posters avoid the cognitive dissonance that comes from contemplating that someone might have been wrongfully by loudly proclaiming that LM is a psychopath and/or his supporters are gullible. Former Texas Governor Rick Perry's comments on the Todd Willingham case comes to mind as an example of this kind of cognitive dissonance.
Nope. I have looked into this case (imo) thoroughly, considered the evidence carefully and objectively, applied some common sense, utilised the principles of Occam's razor, and have arrived at the conclusion that Luke Mitchell is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. All that said, I still ask questions where I think there is doubt and ambiguity -- from both a defence and prosecution perspective -- and there will always be doubt to some extent given the complexity of the case and the purely circumstantial nature of it. I was being somewhat facetious with my mouthbreather comment, although many of LM's supporters do seem like a homogeneous bunch of anti-authoritarian, in-the-box thinkers incapable of acquanting themselves with all the facts of this case and engaging in any kind of rational, balanced debate. Most of them seem to have entrenched views based on SL's slick, glib MOJ narrative, unaware that the campaign itself is erroneously grounded. They would be only too happy to voraciously wolf down any old scraps of nonsense she feeds them. SL is very much the pied piper in all of this. Just like with the machinations of LM himself, folk are duped by his silver tongue; they think because he sounds intelligent, polite and well-mannered that he must be innocent. Or that because he refuses to say he's guilty and instead stays behind bars, he must be innocent. It's as simple as this, he HAS to maintain his innocence for his own survival, otherwise his life would not be worth living; hoi polloi would turn against him, the vigilantes would be baying for his blood, and, if he ever does get released, he'd need a completely new identity and would likely have to emigrate somewhere. The fact his case is wholly circumstantial works in his favour as it gives him scope to manouvre and manipulate, and, thankfully for him, the nest of vipers that is SL's MOJ campaign is not impervious to his silver tongue.
And Chris, as I said previously, there really is no point in referring to other cases, because, strictly speaking, no two cases are ever the same. Not ever. It all sounds and looks good, impressive & professional on paper, as a counter-argument, but it is glib, when all is said and done.