I tried to create a new thread about this, but it is still awaiting moderation. Anyway, after listening to LM speaking on the four-part 'Sound Of Silence' podcasts, it seems he won't be getting out of prison anytime soon, and definitely not immediately after he's served the punishment part of his sentence (i.e., twenty years). Naturally, he's a "Category 3 Level 3" MAPPA offender (the most dangerous offender category in Scotland) and it seems that the Scottish Prison Service, Police & Criminal Justice Services, because of the sheer wickedness of his crime, deem him to be unmanageable in the community and too high risk to be released yet (if ever). All of the aforementioned organisations seem to be, perhaps inevitably, evading the hard questions he puts to them and passing the buck. It's not looking good for him, is it? And rather than him highlighting the flaws, shortcomings and rigid bureaucracy within the aforementioned organisations, why does he not go into great detail of why he's innocent? The best he can offer is that he was 'kidnapped' by the state, shut down and essentially tried by the media. He has a platform and voice now, so why doesn't he tell us why he's innocent? In the clip below (one of the four Sound Of Silence podcasts), he says that he doesn't participate in Offending Behaviour Programs/Workshops (LM mentions this between 2:28 - 2:44; the way he casually says "Because I'm innocent" is not very convincing at all, imo), because he's innocent -- but offers no explanation of why. Very telling indeed.
What are your thoughts?