Author Topic: Anni Dewani - The shame of Max Clifford and the Dewani family  (Read 20938 times)

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Offline Tim Invictus

Anni Dewani - The shame of Max Clifford and the Dewani family
« on: November 22, 2012, 02:38:07 PM »
I couldn't believe the Dewani family retained Max Clifford of all people to 'represent' Shrien in some perverse PR capacity! I cringed watching that nasty media whore Clifford standing in front of his Bentley stating he had asked Shrien Dewani "all the right questions and looked into his eyes and could see he is an innocent man"!

I don't know who is worse; Clifford for taking the 'job' or the Dewani's for hiring him! Shameful by both parties in my opinion! This isn't a meaningless, salacious media tit bit, this is the violent MURDER of an innocent and no doubt terrified young lady!

Get this man to trial I say! 

« Last Edit: December 28, 2012, 09:09:15 PM by John »

Offline John

Re: Anni Dewani - The shame of Max Clifford and the Dewani family
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2012, 02:42:08 PM »
I couldn't believe the Dewani family retained Max Clifford of all people to 'represent' Shrien in some perverse PR capacity! I cringed watching that nasty media whore Clifford standing in front of his Bentley stating he had asked Shrien Dewani "all the right questions and looked into his eyes and could see he is an innocent man"!

I don't know who is worse; Clifford for taking the 'job' or the Dewani's for hiring him! Shameful by both parties in my opinion! This isn't a meaningless, salacious media tit bit, this is the violent MURDER of an innocent and no doubt terrified young lady!

Get this man to trial I say!

Very true, his obvious reluctance to face the music at all costs is very telling.  Will money yet again buy justice?
A malicious prosecution for a crime which never existed. An exposé of egregious malfeasance by public officials.
Indeed, the truth never changes with the passage of time.


  • Guest
Re: Anni Dewani - The shame of Max Clifford and the Dewani family
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2012, 04:22:45 PM »
I couldn't believe the Dewani family retained Max Clifford of all people to 'represent' Shrien in some perverse PR capacity! I cringed watching that nasty media whore Clifford standing in front of his Bentley stating he had asked Shrien Dewani "all the right questions and looked into his eyes and could see he is an innocent man"!

I don't know who is worse; Clifford for taking the 'job' or the Dewani's for hiring him! Shameful by both parties in my opinion! This isn't a meaningless, salacious media tit bit, this is the violent MURDER of an innocent and no doubt terrified young lady!

Get this man to trial I say!

Very true, his obvious reluctance to face the music at all costs is very telling.  Will money yet again buy justice?

I have been following this case quite closely and watched as this farce is played out in front of the media.
What are our courts here in Britain coming to I ask myself when people can get of with facing justice for whatever reason but primarily in this case because the chap is employing some fancy lawyer to keep him from being extradited to South Africa.
I just think it is wrong and shouldn't happen.

Offline frank50

Re: Anni Dewani - The shame of Max Clifford and the Dewani family
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2012, 08:08:48 PM »
I so agree with you. That repulsive Clifford makes my skin crawl. And it's totally inappropriate for him to represent a potential murderer anyhow. In fact, its an utter farce. A man's wife is murdered with several witnesses saying Dewani was involved. What does he do? Run away and then appoint Max Clifford to deny his involvment in the media. But Clifford doesnt just deny it - he rubbishes the claims and alleges African corruption. Revolting man. I wonder how many millions he's getting for his fee.

I couldn't believe the Dewani family retained Max Clifford of all people to 'represent' Shrien in some perverse PR capacity! I cringed watching that nasty media whore Clifford standing in front of his Bentley stating he had asked Shrien Dewani "all the right questions and looked into his eyes and could see he is an innocent man"!

I don't know who is worse; Clifford for taking the 'job' or the Dewani's for hiring him! Shameful by both parties in my opinion! This isn't a meaningless, salacious media tit bit, this is the violent MURDER of an innocent and no doubt terrified young lady!

Get this man to trial I say!

Offline frank50

Re: Anni Dewani - The shame of Max Clifford and the Dewani family
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2012, 02:13:58 PM »
Oh dear - what a shame - Clifford has been arrested on suspicion of having committed sexual offences. Couldnt have happened to a more unpleasant slimeball. Who is going to come out on his behalf and dismiss the allegations as utter nonsense.

Offline Tim Invictus

Re: Anni Dewani - The shame of Max Clifford and the Dewani family
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2012, 02:24:46 PM »
Oh dear - what a shame - Clifford has been arrested on suspicion of having committed sexual offences. Couldnt have happened to a more unpleasant slimeball. Who is going to come out on his behalf and dismiss the allegations as utter nonsense.

Here, here Frank ... well said! As the thread says Clifford was already a shameful s..mbag before this latest arrest! I hope he loses everything .... creep!

Offline Nicholas

Who wants to take on this great massive lie?” Writer Martin Preib on the tsunami of innocence fraud sweeping our nation

Offline ISpyWithMyEye

Re: Anni Dewani - The shame of Max Clifford and the Dewani family
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2020, 10:12:55 PM »
Late to contribute to this thread — I didn’t know this site existed back when this happened

I contributed to the threads on Facebook when it all started and became online friends with Anni’s family  (and still am, albeit in a once in a while HELLO)

I suspected Dewani as soon as everything came out,  and remember his zombie walk when going to the police station...beard, glazed expression, walking like a robot — AFTER his chirpy behaviour when learning Anni was dead.

He ordered that killing of the sweet beautiful Anni, and it’s disgusting that he got away with it. Annie’s dad is a wonderful man, he’s so kind, caring, stoic....but distraught at the injustice...though Anni’s murder is the worst of all. Her whole family will never be the same again

To think Dewani got away with that is sickening.

I hope that somehow, some way, he can be brought back to’s outrageous!

Seeking Justice for June & Nevill Bamber, Sheila Caffell & her two six-year-old twin boys who were shot dead in their heads by Psychopath, JEREMY BAMBER who must NEVER be released.

Offline steve_trousers

Re: Anni Dewani - The shame of Max Clifford and the Dewani family
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2020, 06:57:02 PM »
I’m inclined to say guilty too Ispy. Dewani did also strike me as a very naive individual who led a sheltered life.

I just wonder whether the thing started out as a bit of a sick joke between him and the security guys at the hotel, got in over his head and it all spiralled out of control once the hit had been arranged.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 07:49:54 PM by steve_trousers »

Offline ISpyWithMyEye

Re: Anni Dewani - The shame of Max Clifford and the Dewani family
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2020, 11:55:25 PM »
I’m inclined to say guilty too Ispy. Dewani did also strike me as a very naive individual who led a sheltered life.

I just wonder whether the thing started out as a bit of a sick joke between him and the security guys at the hotel, got in over his head and it all spiralled out of control once the hit had been arranged.

Oh, I followed the case extensively and became friendly with his poor wife’s family and friends, so learned many interesting facts.

Firstly, Dewani is 100% gay. That’s a fact which he he hid from many, though not all.

He was also greedy and behaved quite similar to Jeremy Bamber in the aftermath.

No remorse. Searched for gay hook-ups when he got back to the hotel THAT night.

Merrily ordered cakes for everyone the next day. Was seen smiling and preening himself. Immediately cancelled his wife’s return air ticket asking for a full refund...

Whilst on bail in the UK when he had to sign on at a police station as part of his bail conditions, he almost skipped into the police station like he hadn’t a care in the world. I pointed out his strange behaviour online (and he read everything — huge ego — he thought he’d get fame from the murder) Lo and behold, a few weeks later he’d suddenly grown a beard and walked like a slow zombie into the police station, and even did a “Bamber Buckle”....

He was as guilty as HELL!

It still grates at me now that he got away with it, but something will happen to him day.
Seeking Justice for June & Nevill Bamber, Sheila Caffell & her two six-year-old twin boys who were shot dead in their heads by Psychopath, JEREMY BAMBER who must NEVER be released.

Offline steve_trousers

Re: Anni Dewani - The shame of Max Clifford and the Dewani family
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2020, 12:51:22 AM »

That is interesting, thank you. I don’t remember it inside out. Do you think he planned it before he even arrived then, or flipped and hatched it while he was there?

Also, I understand he is now living with a man? I thought that gimp chap who outed him during his trial was just an attention seeker.

Offline ISpyWithMyEye

Re: Anni Dewani - The shame of Max Clifford and the Dewani family
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2020, 10:50:54 PM »
That is interesting, thank you. I don’t remember it inside out. Do you think he planned it before he even arrived then, or flipped and hatched it while he was there?

Also, I understand he is now living with a man? I thought that gimp chap who outed him during his trial was just an attention seeker.

I’ve only just seen your post, Steve!

Yes, Shrien definitely pre-planned it: the family know that he did. It’s why he wanted to honeymoon in SA; he already had a contact out there who told him how cheap it was to arrange.

He never loved Anni, and when he proposed to her with the engagement ring he filmed it to make it look romantic, but it was all an act done specifically to show everyone afterwards how “in love” he was with her, and he also intended to claim off the insurance if the ring got stolen in the set up (he doesn’t trust anyone).

He couldn’t bear the beautiful Anni and the marriage was never consummated — Anni told her sister on the phone when she was in SA with him.

He was seen on CCTV running down the hotel corridor after having left Anni by the pool had going to a cheap dodgy money exchange (where he was also caught on CCTV) buying the SA cash for the hitmen. I think it was about £3,000...I need to check.

That was on the day she was murdered, and that cash was never found. Oh, there were so many things he did that were so, so obvious. He even looked up gay escorts when he got back to the hotel after the supposed kidnap.

He’s another evil psychopath.

I do have photos somewhere, and documents which truly show his guilt, but that judge was very strange and there were rumours questioning her integrity and how honest SHE was. It stank to high heaven.

Seeking Justice for June & Nevill Bamber, Sheila Caffell & her two six-year-old twin boys who were shot dead in their heads by Psychopath, JEREMY BAMBER who must NEVER be released.

Offline lane99

Re: Anni Dewani - The shame of Max Clifford and the Dewani family
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2020, 08:28:09 PM »
Yes, there is certainly little doubt that Dewani is the one who ordered the killing.  There is ample evidence of that.

I'm not aware of any concrete evidence that the Dewani judge was anything other than a complete imbecile.
And there is scarcely a single line in her judgment that is not contradicted by the evidence, the law, common sense, and the reality of life in South Africa.  However I suppose it's not impossible that she was on the take.  We do know that the Dewani family has bragged that money could buy them whatever result they wanted in South Africa.

Ten year anniversary of Anni Hindocha's assassination is nigh.  If she hadn't been betrayed by Dewani she would only be in her thirties now, with a whole long life still ahead of her.

Offline Miss Taken Identity

Re: Anni Dewani - The shame of Max Clifford and the Dewani family
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2020, 11:24:12 PM »
Yes, there is certainly little doubt that Dewani is the one who ordered the killing.  There is ample evidence of that.

I'm not aware of any concrete evidence that the Dewani judge was anything other than a complete imbecile.
And there is scarcely a single line in her judgment that is not contradicted by the evidence, the law, common sense, and the reality of life in South Africa.  However I suppose it's not impossible that she was on the take.  We do know that the Dewani family has bragged that money could buy them whatever result they wanted in South Africa.

Ten year anniversary of Anni Hindocha's assassination is nigh.  If she hadn't been betrayed by Dewani she would only be in her thirties now, with a whole long life still ahead of her.

"I'm not aware of any concrete evidence that the Dewani judge was anything other than a complete imbecile. "

Yes, anyone with  one eye and deaf in both ears could tell that was a planned murder by a cruel, manipulative, vile specimen  in human form. and his family were no better!

Anni was a stunningly beautiful young woman- way too good for that  family of 'inlaws'

Max clifford got his comeuppance eventually!.
'Never underestimate the power of stupid people'... George Carlin