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Russia - Ukraine war

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Vertigo Swirl:

--- Quote from: G-Unit on March 09, 2022, 10:59:29 AM ---Fascinating. Communist Russia has always been aware also that the West; particularly America, capitalism's greatest champions, would never be willing to take a live and let live approach to communism. Another reason for it's leaders to make sure they had the means to defend themselves.

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do you view Russia’s invasion of a sovereign state as self defence?


--- Quote from: Vertigo Swirl on March 09, 2022, 12:03:14 PM ---do you view Russia’s invasion of a sovereign state as self defence?

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No, but that's an explanation for why they haven't neglected spending on their military as Starkey says the UK has.

Vertigo Swirl:

--- Quote from: G-Unit on March 09, 2022, 01:43:37 PM ---No, but that's an explanation for why they haven't neglected spending on their military as Starkey says the UK has.

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You talked about the Russians defending themselves as a reason for their milatary spending.  Defending themselves from what exactly?  Was the West threatening to invade them and I missed it?  The West has surely been caught napping by being dumb and naive and way too trusting obviously.  Things will be different in the future, if there is one, and there’s now no guarantees of that thanks to Russia and their “defence spending”.

Vertigo Swirl:
Russia appears to be pursuing the same strategy as that which it adopted alongside Assad’s regime in Syria, namely bombing hospitals as seen today with the bombing of a children’s hospital in Mariupol.  Putin is obviously trolling the west in the hope of getting a rise out of us and giving him an excuse to bomb us into oblivion too.  Very defensive I’m sure, killing sick children.–Syrian_hospital_bombing_campaign

Putin the psycho in Syria 2019...

Putin the psycho in Ukraine 2022...


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