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They give evidence in court and with the hair Brueckner was convict4d of the rape of Dianne.  How could they have known such details of the rape if they hadn't seen the video?
[/quotPerhaps someone told them,

it was them who introduced the police to CB.  The Police would have their first interview. Without them the Police wouldn't have arrested CB.
They give evidence in court and with the hair Brueckner was convict4d of the rape of Dianne.  How could they have known such details of the rape if they hadn't seen the video?

  • in 2005 a bestial rape was perpetrated on the resident of a seaside villa in Praia da Luz in close proximity to the apartment from which Madeleine McCann vanished
  • the Portuguese police dropped the case without apparently carrying out any sort of investigation into the chance that the MO had been replicated elsewhere.
    If they had they would likely have found in police files that the MO had been used in 2004 and dropped by the police
  • As a result the opportunity was lost to make comparison of trace evidence from both cases in the hope of building a case against the anonymous pervert and intruder.
    The evidence from the 2004 assault was destroyed and the evidence from from the 2005 rape only preserved because it seems to have been forgotten
  • Sometime many years down the line, criminal friends of Brueckner assisted his then girlfriend among others to clear the proceeds of his criminal past from his lair in Luz while he was in prison.
  • Among the evidence removed were video tapes of all sorts of depraved pornographic memorabilia
  • Eventually these were disposed of but not before the content of one was noted which showed the beating and rape of an older woman.
    This was noted possibly because the perpetrator was recognised as being Christian Brueckner.
  • But there was nothing to indicate who the aggravated rape survivor was.
    Or if such an event had even occurred as described. The BKA had only the word of two criminal accomplices of Brueckner to go on.
    So the first issue was to check the information
  • With the co-operation of the PJ the BKA were able to access police files; wherein they found reports of the torture and rape as described by the two witnesses.
  • The survivor was able to testify to the terrible events she had suffered.
  • Brueckner's DNA was recovered from the bedclothes of the scene of the rape as described by the survivor both at the time of the outrage, in her testimony to the BKA and through them to the German court.
  • So in effect the witness statements from both criminal friends of Brueckner were totally proved as they had described.
    the event had happened
    it was corroborated in police files
    it was corroborated by the survivor
    it was proven in court
    DNA identified Brueckner as the perpetrator
The catalyst for it all was the naming of Brueckner as the erstwhile anonymous pervert with a penchat for degrading women and children for his gratification.
So despite repeated appeals the German and the European courts have left him exactly where he should be behind bars.
It is extraordinary that such a creature is the darling of the internet for some.

I don’t think so.  So we have the testimony of two “hobos” who relayed details of what they said they had seen to police, who subsequently matched the details of what they said they had seen to an actual rape (or completely made up scenario by a duplicitous old woman, take your pick) and whose bed contained a hair left by the man the “hobos” said they had seen in the video prior to them having any knowledge of the so-called victim (who actually was a victim because the court said so, and we know that when a court says something- eg CB not being guilty of raping HB that makes it an actual fact).
Hobo Hearsay (Band: Kansas 1977, Album: Point of No Return, Track 3) - doesn't hold much sway in German courts so it would seem.
Cadaver dogs alerted to childrens teeth at Haut La Garenne, but not a single solitary cadaver was found.  If memory serves me correctly Monsieur Le Grime excused the alert on the basis that his dogs do in fact alert to human teeth.  He certainly excused one of the alerts on the presence of a spermy tissue, so pretty much anything seems to trigger his pooches.
Three human bones were found, which you rather oddly failed to mention, which would almost certainly be of interest to the finely tuned olfactory sensors of said canines.
I think we should discuss the dogs in more detail. I doubt there's been much discussion here over the years.

Things have moved on. For example, nowadays Gerry wouldn't need any reference material on the reliability or otherwise of EVRD dogs, we have Chat GPT, et al for that. He'd have been disappointed with its response, however, and would almost certainly render his infamous, derisory and inaccurate 'incredibly unreliable' soundbite useless
OK. As the erstwhile moderator / contributor Brietta bruskly and correctly alluded to, my knowledge on the subject of historical rapes perpetrated by German nationals living in Portugal circa 2005 is scant and certainly wouldn't be high on my list of chosen subjects in Mastermind (I'd probably opt for 'The Life and Works of Louis Althusser if pushed). Bearing this in mind, did they show the video at the trial?
I don’t think so.  So we have the testimony of two “hobos” who relayed details of what they said they had seen to police, who subsequently matched the details of what they said they had seen to an actual rape (or completely made up scenario by a duplicitous old woman, take your pick) and whose bed contained a hair left by the man the “hobos” said they had seen in the video prior to them having any knowledge of the so-called victim (who actually was a victim because the court said so, and we know that when a court says something- eg CB not being guilty of raping HB that makes it an actual fact). 
Aside from spontaneously ejected teeth not being susceptible to the development of cavaderine, and the obvious, now lost 'canine / tooth' comedic observation, if the dog alerted it would almost certainly mean a deceased human had lain in the spot to which the dog alerted.
If I shoe-horn in a reference to Susan Pilley I might be able to reanimate the barely conscious carcass of Dav to provide us with some input.
Cadaver dogs alerted to childrens teeth at Haut La Garenne, but not a single solitary cadaver was found.  If memory serves me correctly Monsieur Le Grime excused the alert on the basis that his dogs do in fact alert to human teeth.  He certainly excused one of the alerts on the presence of a spermy tissue, so pretty much anything seems to trigger his pooches.
Let’s think that one through shall we?
OK. As the erstwhile moderator / contributor Brietta bruskly and correctly alluded to, my knowledge on the subject of historical rapes perpetrated by German nationals living in Portugal circa 2005 is scant and certainly wouldn't be high on my list of chosen subjects in Mastermind (I'd probably opt for 'The Life and Works of Louis Althusser if pushed). Bearing this in mind, did they show the video at the trial?
If a cadaver dog ever had to be deployed at that school (heaven forbid) they would certainly alert and all it would be was poor old Paul’s front teeth.
Aside from spontaneously ejected teeth not being susceptible to the development of cavaderine, and the obvious, now lost 'canine / tooth' comedic observation, if the dog alerted it would almost certainly mean a deceased human had lain in the spot to which the dog alerted.
If I shoe-horn in a reference to Susan Pilley I might be able to reanimate the barely conscious carcass of Dav to provide us with some input.
I remember Keith Sharpe knocked Paul Fielding's front teeth out in the playground when we were 8 or 9. As punishment we had to go out in the rain and find Paul's teeth, for what purpose was never disclosed.
We never did find Paul's teeth. It's too late now, the school was demolished to make way for a school.
If a cadaver dog ever had to be deployed at that school (heaven forbid) they would certainly alert and all it would be was poor old Paul’s front teeth. 
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