Author Topic: Case Theories  (Read 12848 times)

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Offline LuminousWanderer

Case Theories
« on: March 23, 2018, 10:20:02 PM »
This case has always interested me, as it's one of the first high profile 'missing child' incidents that I remember.

In outline, what are the main theories for what happened to Ben?

As far I can make out, they are:

(i). abducted from the vicinity of the farmhouse;
(ii). accidental death in the grounds of the farmhouse or nearby; and,
(iii). accidental death on his brother's bike.

Are there any more?

Offline G-Unit

Re: Case Theories
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2018, 03:58:48 PM »
I think that's it, but it was his uncle with the bike, not his brother.
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