Author Topic: Maddie suspect to go on trial next year on rape charges.  (Read 12659 times)

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Offline The General

Re: Maddie suspect to go on trial next year on rape charges.
« Reply #90 on: December 10, 2024, 07:54:25 AM »
I've been reading back over the year I missed and subsequently exhumed a few threads, I notice with concern the almost total vacuum that is the supporter reaction to the utter drubbing of HCW. It's almost as if their world has changed irrevocably, having been utterly convinced that this first trial was merely the opening salvo of what they were sure would be their Waterloo. OK, it turned out to be their Agincourt, with HCW cast as the hapless and witless d'Albret, so I can understand the bitterness and reluctance to comment, but come on guys, let's get it off our chests.
After all, there's more disappointment ahead for you guys, might as well resign yourselves to defeat and maybe follow VS / Alf and throw the towel in.
The 2nd Youngest Member of the Forum

Offline Alf

Re: Maddie suspect to go on trial next year on rape charges.
« Reply #91 on: December 10, 2024, 08:30:36 AM »
I've been reading back over the year I missed and subsequently exhumed a few threads, I notice with concern the almost total vacuum that is the supporter reaction to the utter drubbing of HCW. It's almost as if their world has changed irrevocably, having been utterly convinced that this first trial was merely the opening salvo of what they were sure would be their Waterloo. OK, it turned out to be their Agincourt, with HCW cast as the hapless and witless d'Albret, so I can understand the bitterness and reluctance to comment, but come on guys, let's get it off our chests.
After all, there's more disappointment ahead for you guys, might as well resign yourselves to defeat and maybe follow VS / Alf and throw the towel in.
Bravo!  An excellent point, and made so provocatively I hope it sparks the reaction you were looking for x

Offline The General

Re: Maddie suspect to go on trial next year on rape charges.
« Reply #92 on: December 10, 2024, 09:37:24 AM »
Bravo!  An excellent point, and made so provocatively I hope it sparks the reaction you were looking for x
It won't. There's nobody here to react, particularly as they're haemorraging supporters.
I am surprised at the total lack of reaction to the comprehensive, career-ending anihilation though, given the reamifications going forward.
The 2nd Youngest Member of the Forum

Offline Alf

Re: Maddie suspect to go on trial next year on rape charges.
« Reply #93 on: December 10, 2024, 10:22:27 AM »
It won't. There's nobody here to react, particularly as they're haemorraging supporters.
I am surprised at the total lack of reaction to the comprehensive, career-ending anihilation though, given the reamifications going forward.
*claps hands* I don’t care about anyone else but ai am longing for the day HCW is dragged kicking and screaming from the Prosecutor’s office in Braunsweig and forced to parade naked through town with a dumkopf sign around his neck.  But why hasn’t it happened yet??  This is the puzzling thing.

Offline Wonderfulspam

Re: Maddie suspect to go on trial next year on rape charges.
« Reply #94 on: December 10, 2024, 11:24:21 AM »
It won't. There's nobody here to react, particularly as they're haemorraging supporters.
I am surprised at the total lack of reaction to the comprehensive, career-ending anihilation though, given the reamifications going forward.

September 17th iirc. That is the end of Brueckner's sentence. Wolters needs to pull his finger out & find some actual evidence against the man. Even if there is a retrial, that won't take place until well after that date & given the weakness of the evidence presented in the first trial I fail to see how he can be kept on remand.
Free Martin Brueckner

Offline The General

Re: Maddie suspect to go on trial next year on rape charges.
« Reply #95 on: December 10, 2024, 01:53:27 PM »
*claps hands* I don’t care about anyone else but ai am longing for the day HCW is dragged kicking and screaming from the Prosecutor’s office in Braunsweig and forced to parade naked through town with a dumkopf sign around his neck.  But why hasn’t it happened yet??  This is the puzzling thing.
Shame, that's why. There's no puzzle. In a country bereft of a collective sense of humour and an introversion bordering on paranoia, they will find no solace, no crumbs of legal comfort to assauge (or sausage) their egos.
Keep a lid on it, that's the German way. Let's put it this way, does anyone here think he will be trusted with his much vaunted, oft promised prosecution of CB? (Irrespective of him almost single-handedly destroying that prospect).
No, being volleyed across the court yard and off the case is the equivalent of being paraded naked dumkopf.
The 2nd Youngest Member of the Forum

Offline Alf

Re: Maddie suspect to go on trial next year on rape charges.
« Reply #96 on: December 10, 2024, 02:27:38 PM »
Shame, that's why. There's no puzzle. In a country bereft of a collective sense of humour and an introversion bordering on paranoia, they will find no solace, no crumbs of legal comfort to assauge (or sausage) their egos.
Keep a lid on it, that's the German way. Let's put it this way, does anyone here think he will be trusted with his much vaunted, oft promised prosecution of CB? (Irrespective of him almost single-handedly destroying that prospect).
No, being volleyed across the court yard and off the case is the equivalent of being paraded naked dumkopf.
You almost seem to be suggesting that the buck didn’t stop with HCW.  Surely his High Ups would want to distance themselves from this utter maverick and make an example of him, irrespective of sausages and lack of GSOH.

Offline The General

Re: Maddie suspect to go on trial next year on rape charges.
« Reply #97 on: December 10, 2024, 02:47:43 PM »
You almost seem to be suggesting that the buck didn’t stop with HCW.  Surely his High Ups would want to distance themselves from this utter maverick and make an example of him, irrespective of sausages and lack of GSOH.
Do you think he will be involved in the CB prosecution? I mean, I hope so, but alas he will be punching tickets at the tram terminal in the new year.
The 2nd Youngest Member of the Forum

Offline Alf

Re: Maddie suspect to go on trial next year on rape charges.
« Reply #98 on: December 10, 2024, 05:29:25 PM »
Do you think he will be involved in the CB prosecution? I mean, I hope so, but alas he will be punching tickets at the tram terminal in the new year.
Yes I do.  He won’t be punching anything (apart from maybe a few walls in frustration). 

Offline The General

Re: Maddie suspect to go on trial next year on rape charges.
« Reply #99 on: December 11, 2024, 07:14:02 AM »
Yes I do.  He won’t be punching anything (apart from maybe a few walls in frustration).
FF and CB don't need any assistance, but I suppose the presence of the gibbering sock puppet and his hapless band of hobos can't do any harm.

Again though, the silence is deafening. All those who held HCW in such high esteem - where is your god now?
I suppose someone will have to trot the line out...'well, for your information, it's not over yet, I'm sure HCW has the full backing of the BKA, etc and all that, you know, so.....'

It's great to gloat for over 2 months. Brilliant, init Alf, vindication.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 09:46:07 AM by The General »
The 2nd Youngest Member of the Forum