Author Topic: A look at the Bain family murders which occurred in Dunedin NZ in 1994.  (Read 70298 times)

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Offline Myster

Re: A look at the Bain family murders which occurred in Dunedin NZ in 1994.
« Reply #225 on: February 29, 2020, 03:22:06 PM »
Here is a link to an interesting podcast on the case, very detailed. 
I downloaded the full series when first published and thought they were very well done by Martin van Beynen.  Well worth a listen, although you need to have more than just a passing interest in the case, and time to concentrate on it fully, I think.

More info, photos, plans and a police video of the Bain house here...

A list of the podcast series.  Start at no.1 House Of Horrors and work down to no.10.  All can be downloaded instead by clicking on their down arrows at the extreme right and following the chain of links...
It's one of them cases, in'it... one of them f*ckin' cases.

Offline steve_trousers

Re: A look at the Bain family murders which occurred in Dunedin NZ in 1994.
« Reply #226 on: March 01, 2020, 12:33:01 PM »
Thanks Myster, interesting to see the video of the house. I agree it's a good, professional job by Van Beynen in presenting the facts from both sides and a must for anyone interested in the case.

I approached with an open mind to the prospect of a MoJ, but looking at all the evidence, the only miscarriage is him being acquitted at the 2nd trial.

For me what sticks out is his bloodied fingerprints all over the gun (and Robin's lack of) could only have meant one thing. The investigation failing to test this blood allowed Bain at trial to claim it was rabbit blood and plant the seed of reasonable doubt in some of the jury.

Offline lane99

Re: A look at the Bain family murders which occurred in Dunedin NZ in 1994.
« Reply #227 on: October 16, 2020, 08:44:31 PM »
What little I've heard about the case leads me to believe he's guilty.

Although a friend of mine's father was his cell mate for a time.  And, for whatever it's worth, my friend's father believes he's innocent.