You do understand that what you call 'all' might not be 'all'?
We know for fact the SY has removed their registered peados deatails..and god know what else.. if these were British children then their names could not have been mentioned on the internet? Or they could?
In addition we have statements in the newspapers, from the parents who reported it to the papers..
I think it's pretty obvious Vixte that the statements from the families Kate read about in the files and wrote about in her book - would not be accessible to the general public because they involved sexual assaults on children.
We can only speculate as to how the statements were passed to Kate - but I'm sure it can only have been with the permission of the parents involved - one way or another.
Anyone who thinks that Kate would make up eight non-existent families, 8 statements, and a letter from one of those parents and claim they were in the official files if they didn't exist - isn't thinking things through properly imo - and that's putting it mildly.