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Why do you fully support someone who has been exposed as a compulsive liar? I'm not on twitter but have seen the court transcripts website that shows the extent of SL's lies compared to what actually happened. Even a primary school child would see through this.

What has SL had to say for herself now that her lies have been exposed, or has she gone into hiding?
Yes, i'm well aware of all the negative articles concerning Dr Lean, Ken, they're well advertised on Twitter!
Needless to say, I still fully support her!

Why do you fully support someone who has been exposed as a compulsive liar? I'm not on twitter but have seen the court transcripts website that shows the extent of SL's lies compared to what actually happened. Even a primary school child would see through this.

Yes, i'm well aware of all the negative articles concerning Dr Lean, Ken, they're well advertised on Twitter!
Needless to say, I still fully support her!
Not so, Ken!
But, you're free to think whatever you wish, and call me whatever you wish!
It will make no difference to my replie's!
They like to call me Jolean over on Twitter, as you probably know!

I suppose identities are neither here nor there. The fact Ms Lean has been exposed as distorting "facts" to fit an agenda is more important. I'm not sure why yourself or faithlilly would support SL's view compared to court testimonies that proved LM's guilt. There is a website that goes through dozens of SL's book lies if you want to comment on them?
Not so, Ken!
But, you're free to think whatever you wish, and call me whatever you wish!
It will make no difference to my replie's!
They like to call me Jolean over on Twitter, as you probably know!
No Sandra's here, Ken! That rumour is nonsense!
As for Faithlilly, I have read her posts for a number of years now on various forums, many of us regard her as a superior authority regarding LM innocence. I am a newbie compared to Faith, she is the master, I am merely a pupil!
I am the fan!

Lovely comment, I'm welling up.  8)><(

Considering Sandra has been exposed as a compulsive liar via the court transcripts, your comments only maintain what everyone apart from Mrs Lilly and Chris already know. A desperate last throw of the dice after your microphone and speakers were reclaimed by the bingo wivies.
No Sandra's here, Ken! That rumour is nonsense!
As for Faithlilly, I have read her posts for a number of years now on various forums, many of us regard her as a superior authority regarding LM innocence. I am a newbie compared to Faith, she is the master, I am merely a pupil!
I am the fan!
None the less , Ken, I would certainly agree that it was incredibly odd to say the least for Findlay to mention Bryson seeing LM in his bomber and stating that a LM guilt scenario was quite possible!
Very strange defence tactics indeed!

I'm sure DF knew what he was doing.

Anyway, welcome aboard Sandra and say hello to your no. 1 fan faithlilly  8((()*/
Sectarianism rules deep in your parts doesn’t it?

What parts are those then?

Findlay is from Fife, so is Turnbull? Findlay successfully defended Paul [Name removed], a catholic, so not sure how your sectarianism theory works. LM was not religious and identified as a teen satanist.
It was a matter of time before Findlay was blamed, they've blamed everyone else except the maniac responsible. DF's job is not to presume guilt but to prove that the prosecution case was proved beyond reasonable doubt, which he was unable to do due to the overwhelming circumstantial evidence and the jury not believing LM's sole alibi.

I'm sure he said he spent more time with LM than any other client so doubt he would have deliberately mislead the jury. It's another interesting but futile angle from the remaining campaigners.

Sectarianism rules deep in your parts doesn’t it?
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