Hi Chris. Are you happy with Donald Findlays closing speech? It is getting a lot of criticism on Twitter, due to the fact that Findlay implied that Andrina Bryson must have seen Luke in his bomber jacket and also for stating that it was possible for Luke to have carried out the crime.
Not sure what Findlay was trying to do. Of course it was possible for Luke to carry out the murder, but only through applying a very muddled illogical scenario!
Maybe Findlay thought that he had pointed out enough problems with the prosecution case that they would easily outweigh anything negative he said?
I mean Findlay is dead right, a LM guilt scenario is illogical from the get go, who in their right mind would arrange to meet their girlfriend only to kill them within a half hour or so? Not only did they plan to meet, but Jodi's family knew they planned to meet, just who did LM think would be the prime suspect under such circumstances?
Of course LM claims that Jodi was meeting him at his mums house in Newbattle, as arranged in the texts. And again Findlay quite rightly pointed out that if Luke lied about meeting at Newbattle, how did he know that the texts hadn't been retained on Judith's phone to prove otherwise?
And if Judith knew that Jodi planned to meet Luke in Easthouses , why then didn't she confront Luke about this when he phoned at 10.40? All that Judith did was phone Alice, who promptly headed for RDP to search for Jodi!
Indeed, there seems to be no mention of a clash of statements regarding where Luke and Jodi planned to meet that day, no mention of 'mucking about up here', Judith even went to see Luke in the days following the murder, yet only queried why he didn't phone back, no mention about meeting up in Easthouses whatsoever at that time.
Next Findlay pointed out that the couple Andrina Bryson saw seemed like strangers standing appart, not lovers meeting and embracing. Again,a very good point, a very 'important fact if you ask me!
Then we have to ask why Jodi's body was found about two thirds back along RDP if its true they planned to muck about in the Easthouses area? Why did Jodi seem to be heading for Newbattle when she was attacked? Again, very important if you ask me!
Then Fidlay points out the 5.40 call to Ovens allerting Jodi's family that she hadn't arrived! You have to ask, arrived where?? Easthouses or Newbattle? Why didn't Ovens at least quiery why Jodi hadn't arrived, if it was supposed to be in Easthouses, a mere three minute walk from Jodi's house?
Anyway, the point Findlay was making was, why phone for the cavalry to arrive when you intend to loitre on Newbattle RD seen by all in the parka for almost another hour?
This has always been a big point for me, there was absolutely no need for Luke to be on Newbattle road at all on the way home if guilty. Get home, wash, burn clothing and get an alibi in place right away, then phone Jodi's house.
Standing on Newbattle RD with the chance of being lifted by the police in the murder clothes is quite frankly absurd!
Then Findlay points out the 6.40 phone call home that Luke made, while he must have already 'been' at home going by the Crown scenario.
Then Findlay points out the claim of Luke waiting until 10.00 to get rid of the murder weapon!
Then of course we have Luke finding Jodi's body! As Findlay points out, if Luke was guilty then he would have avoided fining the body at all costs! Either simply stay at home, leave the dog at home or just refrain from going over the V and looking! For heavens sake, its that simple surely? DONT GO NEAR THE BODY!
So,on the whole, I think Findlay's closing speech had enough in it to cause most people reasonable doubt over Luke Muir Mitchells guilt!
It did for me anyway Chris! How about you??