Author Topic: World Trade Centre 7 - Proof of conspiracy?  (Read 26455 times)

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Re: World Trade Centre 7 - Proof of conspiracy?
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2016, 10:48:19 PM »
Really? did sky news report it before it happened thats damning
Id love to see the evidence
I never got into this 9 11 discussion and if its true bush ordered it all id love go see his head crushed on tv

video of sky news reporting wtc 7 collapsing before it did:

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Re: World Trade Centre 7 - Proof of conspiracy?
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2016, 11:30:27 PM »
Thanks Nine

Ive looked at that video now and a couple others and some blogs

Its very difficult to tell whether it was a conspiracy or just a mega clusterf*** of garbled communications, on the spot reporting in such a panic situation and the wrong words being used, and you know all stations competing to report

The wtc7 building seemed at the time of the reports to be on fire,  part of it might have collapsed/started to collapse

Just my initial impression, and Im thinking , well, would this happen if it really was a conspiracy beforehand to blow these places up? It will have been planned to a tee

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Re: World Trade Centre 7 - Proof of conspiracy?
« Reply #17 on: November 13, 2016, 08:39:47 AM »
Thanks Nine

Ive looked at that video now and a couple others and some blogs

Its very difficult to tell whether it was a conspiracy or just a mega clusterf*** of garbled communications, on the spot reporting in such a panic situation and the wrong words being used, and you know all stations competing to report

The wtc7 building seemed at the time of the reports to be on fire,  part of it might have collapsed/started to collapse

Just my initial impression, and Im thinking , well, would this happen if it really was a conspiracy beforehand to blow these places up? It will have been planned to a tee

On the day building 7 collapsed, larry silverstein says that he told the fire department to PULL the building, now this is a term used in demolition to bring a building down, which I'm sure your aware of.

It's scary to think of the implications to the statement made by Larry Silverstein who owned the leases for much of WTC complex , Takes time and planning to demolish a building, you can't do it on a whim....

When looking at the video, It looks like a controlled demolition, Larry Silverstein says "Pull it"...

Silverstein had just taken out insurance on the towers which included Terroist Attacks, not only that he argued with the insurers, that seperate planes meant that it was seperate Attacks..

The coverage for each individual attack was $3.55 billion, he eventually agreed to a payout of $4.55 billion fpor the attack.

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Re: World Trade Centre 7 - Proof of conspiracy?
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2020, 12:52:30 PM »
When Larry Silverstein took over owner ship of the Twin Towers a few months before 911, he immediately took out huge new insurance policies with terrorism coverage being added .... how eeerm 'lucky' was that!

He also replaced all security and yes loads of work was done on the Twin Towers lifts systems. People should know the lift shafts went up the Towers central cores .... where all the 47 massive support columns for the towers were located.

There are reports that many people witnessed trucks entering the WTC complex every morning around 3.00am when the new WTC security was down.

Silverstein was also the owner of the infamous World Trade Centre 7 and he was the one who said 'pull it' and then the 47 story steel building folded like a house of cards! As if huge skyscrapers can be demolished like a rotten garden shed!
How utterly ludicrous!

This man made $billions out of 911 but is currently suing the airlines involved for many $billions more! Watch him 'pull it' here:

WTC7 collapse report before it collapsed made me sceptical of the official narrative... then I don't believe it's possible that a passenger airliner flown by a novice could hit the Pentagon (i. it would have been shot down; ii. The novice pilot could not have performed that manoeuvre in a passenger airliner).

Furthermore like you say... and back to WTC7.... it wasn't hit by a plane. There wasn't enough fire or other damage to cause the free fall collapse.