Author Topic: Yeremi Vargas - Abducted from outside his home on Las Palmas.  (Read 33236 times)

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Offline Mr Moderator

Yeremi Vargas (7) disappeared from a plot of ground outside the family home in the Spansh town of Vecindario, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, on 10th March 2007.  This date is somewhat significant as a mere three months later little Madeleine McCann (3) was also to disappear, this time from the sleepy resort of Praia da Luz on the Portuguese Algarve.

Your first reaction might be to think that this was just coincidence, that the two incidents were unrelated and unconnected.  But what if I were to tell you that two Scottish paedophiles were seen in both towns at the time of the disappearances.  That these two individuals were quite happy to talk to investigators about the McCann case but refused point blank to discuss Yeremi's disappearance.

Yeremi Vargas shortly before he was abducted from outside his mother's home.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 02:30:11 PM by Mr Moderator »

Offline Mr Moderator

Re: Yeremi Vargas - Abducted from outside his home on Las Palmas.
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2014, 01:34:46 PM »
Who was/is Yéremi Vargas?

Yéremi, sometimes spelled Jeremi, was a seven year old child who disappeared March 10, 2007, from a plot of land beside his house, where he was playing. His mum saw him play with his yellow bucket as she came home from the store with Yeremi's grandmother. She told him to come inside soon for lunch. He was never seen again. They lived in the Spanish island of Las Palmas.

When she realised what happened, she and the rest of the family started ringing the neighbors' doorbells until a crowd of nearly 100 people was out looking for him. They found the yellow bucket in the gutter behind the Vargas house.

His mum doesn't believe he could have gotten lost or left willingly, as he is a shy and fearful child and instead thinks someone took him. The plot of land lies between two streets, the one Yéremi's house is in and another one. His grandmother believes that someone called him over from this second street, without them realising.


The police don't think Yéremi could have been taken out of the island, as they were made aware of his disappearance within the hour and subsequently closed airports and ports.

According to the Mirror Spanish and Portuguese police are looking into a possible connection to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, who went missing from Portugal just eight weeks later.

This is what Yeremi's mum has to say about both disappearances:

"Jeremy may still be here in the town. It only takes a cellar to keep a child hidden and this town has hundreds of cellars. Perhaps they are sold to families without children or to paedophiles. Either way, I believe my son and Maddy are still alive.

"These are not typical attacks on children they are different - and yet similar to each other."

There's also another lead about two convicted British pedophiles who traveled to Yeremi's neighborhood and resided there for some time during 2007. Apparently, British press calls them the dirty rats because they posed as exterminators to get into their prey's houses. Here's the link where I found it if you'd like to look more into it. Further info about them can be here. (warning: spanish links). Here's an English article

Spanish police don't seem to think there's much to go on there and don't expect to pursue this lead for long. (source). They also say they have another 3 "hot leads" they can't comment on.

Apparently, one of them was also believed to be in Portugal when Maddy went missing. They were investigated but never charged with anything. This is a very tenuous link.

Here is his file from the Spanish police website.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 01:38:29 PM by Mr Moderator »

Offline misty

Re: Yeremi Vargas - Abducted from outside his home on Las Palmas.
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2015, 01:39:58 PM » un cráneo en Canarias cerca de donde desapareció Yéremi Vargas

"Se va a comprobar si pudiera ser" del niño desaparecido en Gran Canaria en 2007, ha dicho Interior
 17.09.2015 | 10:58

  Yeremi Vargas lleva 8 años desaparecido.
Yeremi Vargas lleva 8 años desaparecido. EFE

El ministro del Interior, Jorge Fernández Díaz, ha confirmado el hallazgo de un cráneo en Gran Canaria y ha precisado que "se va a comprobar si pudiera ser de Yéremi Vargas", el niño desaparecido en la localidad de Vecindario en 2007.

Así lo ha avanzado en una entrevista en RNE recogida por Europa Press en la que, no obstante, ha pedido mantener la "elemental prudencia". El hallazgo, según fuentes de la Guardia Civil, se ha producido en las inmediaciones de esa localidad del sureste de Gran Canaria.

Las fuentes han precisado que el tamaño de los restos podrían corresponder a una persona de edad aproximada a la de Yéremi, que desapareció en la localidad de Vecindario cuando tenía siete años.

Alerta de un vecino Una alerta dada por un ciudadano que informó del hallazgo casual de restos humanos cuando paseaba por un solar de la zona de El Doctoral de Santa Lucía de Tirajana sobre las siete de la tarde de ayer activó a la Guardia Civil, que envió de inmediato agentes al lugar para investigar los huesos encontrados, según han confirmado fuentes del instituto armado.

Y han precisado que lo hallado hasta ahora es parte del cráneo de una persona de edad infantil y que, tras vigilar el lugar durante la noche en espera de que la luz diurna facilitara el trabajo, esta mañana se ha procedido a acotar el solar en que se encontró para iniciar una búsqueda más amplia por si se localizaran más restos u otros indicios que pudieran aportar información sobre su origen e identidad.

Un equipo del laboratorio criminalístico y personal de la policía judicial de la Guardia Civil toman parte en esa búsqueda, han añadido.

Desde el instituto armado han admitido que no se descarta que los restos pudieran ser de Yeremi Vargas pero han subrayado que "todavía es muy temprano" para confirmar que eso sea así o que, por el contrario, los huesos sean de otra persona.

Por ello, han pedido "prudencia" y, sobre todo, "respeto a la familia" del pequeño, a la que han explicado que se informó del hallazgo desde el primer momento, ya que "el contacto es permanente" con ella desde que ocho años atrás se produjera la desaparición del niño, pero advirtiendo de que todavía no se podía hacer afirmación cierta alguna.

Google translate:-

They found a skull in the Canary Islands near Yeremi Vargas Missing

"It's going to check if it could be" the missing child in Gran Canaria in 2007, said Interior
 17.09.2015 | 10:58

  Yeremi Vargas takes eight years disappeared.
Yeremi Vargas takes eight years disappeared. EFE
 EP / EFE /

Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz, confirmed the discovery of a skull in Gran Canaria and has stated that "it will check if it could be of Yeremi Vargas," the boy disappeared in the town of Vecindario in 2007.

So what progress has been made in an interview on RNE collected by Europa Press in which, however, has called for maintaining "prudence". The finding, according to sources from the Civil Guard, has occurred in the vicinity of the town southeast of Gran Canaria.

Sources have indicated that the size of the remains could correspond to a person close to that of Yeremi, who disappeared in the town of Vecindario when he was seven years of age.

Alert neighbor

 A warning given by a citizen who reported the incidental finding of human remains when walking through a plot of the El Doctoral Santa Lucia de Tirajana on seven p.m. yesterday activated the Civil Guard, who immediately sent officers to scene to investigate the bones found, sources have confirmed the military institution.

They have pointed out that what was found so far is part of the skull of an individual child age and that, after watching the place at night, waiting for daylight facilitate the work, this morning we have proceeded to narrow the lot on which He was found to initiate a broader search if more remains or other evidence that might provide information about their origin and identity were located.

A team from the crime lab staff and the judicial police of the Guardia Civil took part in that search, they have been added.

From the Civil Guard they have admitted that it is possible that the remains could be Yeremi Vargas but stressed that "it is too early" to confirm that this is so or, conversely, the bones are of another person.

Therefore, they have called for "prudence" and, above all, "respect for the family" small, which have explained that reported finding from the outset, because "the contact is permanent" with her since eight years before the child's disappearance occurred, but warned that it still could not make a certain statement.

Offline Anna

Re: Yeremi Vargas - Abducted from outside his home on Las Palmas.
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2015, 04:18:51 PM »
The skeletal remains found in Vecindario not Yeremi Vargas

The bones are of elderly woman
“You should not honour men more than truth.”
― Plato

Offline misty

Re: Yeremi Vargas - Abducted from outside his home on Las Palmas.
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2016, 11:42:59 PM »
There is the possibility of closure to this case.

(translated by Google)

The suspect in the disappearance of Yeremi Vargas, on trial for alleged abuses another child

The defendant, Antonio O.B., known as "El Rubio", this procedure is facing a sentence request by the Prosecutor's Canary thirteen years in prison
Efe - Las Palmas
11/03/2016 - 15: 14h
The suspect had kidnapped the child nine years ago in Vecindario Yeremi Vargas, Antonio O.B., known as "El Rubio". EFE / Elvira Urquijo A.
The suspect had kidnapped the child nine years ago in Vecindario Yeremi Vargas, Antonio O.B., known as "El Rubio". EFE / Elvira Urquijo A.
A fellow prisoner of 'El Rubio' declares that this told him that another neighbor Neighborhood killed Yeremi
The suspect in the disappearances of Yeremi Vargas, in custody for illegal retention of a child for hours
A protected witness puts 'El Rubio' in the scene when she disappeared Yeremi Vargas
The suspect in the disappearances of Yeremi Vargas, in custody for illegal retention of a child for hours
The suspect in the disappearance of Yeremi Vargas refuses to testify and that will take DNA
TAGS: Yeremi Vargas, El Rubio, Vargas, Antonio O.B
Hearing of Las Palmas judge from Monday to suspect in the disappearance of Yeremi Vargas for an alleged sexual assault on another minor, occurred in the town of El Doctoral in July 2012.

The defendant, Antonio O.B., known as El Rubio, this procedure is facing a sentence request by the Prosecutor's Canary thirteen years in prison.

The facts that are imputed to El Rubio in this case occurred on the afternoon of July 19, 2012, when he allegedly accosted a nine year old boy who was playing on the street and offered to give him a bicycle if you accompany her shanty .

The prosecution says Antonio O.B. then he introduced to force the child in his house and raped her.

Rubio is in custody for these events since 14 March last year.

In one of the prisons for which has passed since then, Algeciras (Cádiz), made a number of comments to other prisoners on the case of Yeremi that led to the Civil Guard to point out as allegedly responsible for his disappearance, which occurred in 2007 in Vecindario, a town next to El Doctoral.

The team of the Civil Guard has dealt with the case Yeremi in these nine years suspicion of El Rubio for several indications, such as that owned the car that was seen near the site where the child was playing that day or circumstance that lived relatively close to the family.

He has also observed some parallels between the crime of 2012 for which he will be tried next week and what could happen to Yeremi, and features demonstrations Antonio O.B. He has performed in prison, boasting that knows what happened to the child Neighborhood.

The trial for the alleged sexual assault of 2012 will begin on Monday at 9.45 am in the sixth section of the Court of Las Palmas

Offline misty

Re: Yeremi Vargas - Abducted from outside his home on Las Palmas.
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2016, 10:24:44 PM »

The Government delegate in the Canary Islands, Enrique Hernández Bento, said Thursday that the Civil Guard has accumulated in the last nine months "sufficient evidence" to impute to Antonio Ojeda, known as Juan 'El Rubio', in the disappearance of the boy Yéremi Vargas , Which took place in 2007 in Vecindario (Gran Canaria).

Speaking to reporters after a visit to a police station in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, he commented that the conclusions of the trial held in the Las Palmas Court against El Rubio for the alleged violation of another minor, Be "very interesting", since the "modus operandi" coincides with the case of Yéremi.

Nevertheless, he has commented that the case is under secrecy of summary.

El Rubio was transferred to the Canary Islands in July from the Algeciras jail (Cádiz) and this Monday began the trial for an alleged offense of sexual abuse and injuries to a minor occurred in the neighborhood of El Doctoral.

Offline misty

Re: Yeremi Vargas - Abducted from outside his home on Las Palmas.
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2016, 12:45:11 AM »

Después de que fuera sentenciado hace unas semanas a cinco años de prisión por abuso sexual a otro menor, Antonio Ojeda “El Rubio” vuelve a ser objeto de la justicia, ahora por el caso de Yéremi Vargas, con el que se le ha vinculado desde hace meses.
El Juzgado de Primera Instancia número dos de San Bartolomé de Tirajana comienza hoy con la toma de declaración de Víctor Manuel P.P., quien asegura que vio a menudo a Ojeda en las inmediaciones de la casa de Yéremi en la época de su desaparición.
Será un mes de declaraciones sobre el caso del menor desaparecido en 2007 que llevará a la sede judicial a un total de 22 personas; entre ellas, el interno de la prisión de Algeciras que el pasado mes de mayo aseguró que había escuchado a su compañero del penal confesar que había visto a Yéremi, ya muerto, poco después de su desaparición. A ese testigo, José Rubén O.B., le tocará declarar en enero por videoconferencia desde la prisión donde se encuentra en Badajoz. Una citación que será de las últimas de una larga lista que comienza el día de hoy.
Está previsto que comparezcan en este tiempo todos los hermanos de Antonio Ojeda Bordón, su expareja, otros parientes y personas que a lo largo del caso han declarado en dependencias de la Guardia Civil y que han señalado que vieron a El Rubio merodeando por la casa de Yéremi.
Los investigadores esperan confirmar con esta ronda de declaraciones si fue Antonio Ojeda el autor de la desaparición del menor, o estuvo en contacto directo con las personas que llevaron a cabo el secuestro.

Leer más:  Inicio de la vista previa contra «El Rubio» por el caso Yéremi
Convierte a tus clientes en tus mejores vendedores:

After being sentenced a few weeks ago to five years in prison for sexual abuse of another minor, Antonio Ojeda "El Rubio" is again subject to justice, now in the case of Yéremi Vargas, with whom he has been linked since months ago.
The Court of First Instance number two of San Bartolomé de Tirajana begins today with the statement of Víctor Manuel P.P., who says that he often saw Ojeda in the vicinity of Yéremi's house at the time of his disappearance.
It will be a month of declarations on the case of the disappeared minor in 2007 that will take to the judicial seat to a total of 22 people; Including the prisoner of Algeciras who last May claimed that he had heard his companion from the prison confess that he had seen Yéremi, already dead, shortly after his disappearance. This witness, José Rubén O.B., will have to declare in January by videoconference from the prison where he is in Badajoz. A citation that will be the last of a long list that begins today.
It is expected that all the brothers of Antonio Ojeda Bordón, his expareja, other relatives and people who throughout the case have declared in dependencies of the Civil Guard and that they have indicated that they saw El Rubio hanging around the house of Yéremi.
The investigators hope to confirm with this round of statements whether Antonio Ojeda was the perpetrator of the disappearance of the child, or was in direct contact with the people who carried out the abduction.

Offline misty

Re: Yeremi Vargas - Abducted from outside his home on Las Palmas.
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2017, 01:39:55 AM »

Canarias - 30/10/2017
El archivo de la causa abierta contra el principal sospechoso de la desaparición de Yeremi Vargas ha obligado a la familia del menor a buscar una alternativa a la decisión del juez, que no ha hallado indicios suficientes para incriminar a Antonio Ojeda, también conocido como 'El Rubio'.

El abogado de la familia, Pedro Sánchez, analiza el auto del juez y estudia ahora las posibilidades que les quedan ante el cierre del caso.

"Es un auto largo, con razonamientos fácticos y jurídicos complicados, y estamos viendo qué hacer", explicó Sánchez a un equipo de TelevisiónCanaria. Según el letrado, "todos los hechos sitúan a Antonio Ojeda en el lugar de la desaparación del niño, pero es posible que el paso del tiempo no transcurra a nuestro favor", dijo.

La familia de Yeremi no comparte la decisión del juez y van a intentar hacer lo imposible por saber qué ocurrió con el niño en aquel marzo de 2007

Google translation of above article:-

The filing of the case opened against the main suspect of the disappearance of Yeremi Vargas has forced the minor's family to seek an alternative to the decision of the judge, who has not found sufficient evidence to incriminate Antonio Ojeda, also known as' El Blond'.

The family's lawyer, Pedro Sánchez, analyzes the judge's order and now studies the possibilities that remain before the closure of the case.

"It's a long car, with complicated factual and legal reasoning, and we're seeing what to do," Sánchez explained to a team from TelevisiónCanaria. According to the lawyer, "all the facts place Antonio Ojeda in the place of the disappearance of the child, but it is possible that the passage of time does not pass in our favor," he said.

Yeremi's family does not share the decision of the judge and will try to do the impossible to know what happened with the child in that March of 2007.