Not according to her father who you presume is lying because it suits YOUR agenda. How can you state something as categoric when you have no access to the current investigation, unless you're going to pretend that you do, just for effect?
I have never pretended that I have any access to the current investigation so I’m not sure what you’re talking about there. What I have said is that Tasmin’s dad was paid for his story though to be honest the story could have been written without Mr Silence’s input. NOWHERE does it say that Tamsin recognised Brueckner, the ‘claim’ is ambiguous
“Gordon Sillence, 61, said his girl Tasmin, then 11, twice saw a man who looked like Christian B lurking outside the McCanns’ flat.”
Is it the churnalist who thinks the individual described by Tamsin looked like Brueckner? We have no way of knowing.
Further did Silence really say this
“ She even saw a little girl, believed to be Madeleine, on the balcony being watched by the prowler.”
Because even Tamsin didn’t claim that.
To be honest I don’t think necessarily that Silence approached the Sun, the piece is so factually inaccurate it’s obviously been written by someone who knows little of the case. I do however think that Silence senior let his name be used to give the piece substance…but for a price.
Hope that clears things up.
You do seem to be taking this rather personally….best not, it’s only a forum.